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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The government is working sincerely to introduce e-governance in public sectors to speed up development works, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said.

“We want to use the information communication technology to speed up development works,” she said at the inauguration of the first reunion of National Defence College at Mirpur Cantonment in the capital.

The prime minister said the government has been working to build a “digital” and prosperous Bangladesh by 2021.

She said banking, tender process and exam results, among others, have already gone online and web portals of all districts are available now. Nearly 4,500 computer centres have also been set up in different union parishads.

Mentioning Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's efforts to build disciplined and patriotic armed forces, the prime minister said her government will address their necessities despite constraints of resources.

She said the housing crisis of officials of the armed forces and civil administration would be resolved and fourth-class government employees along with Ansar and VDP members would be given rationing.

Hasina said the armed forces have always been close to her heart and her younger brothers -- Sheikh Kamal and Sheikh Jamal -- were in the army.

“I can say that I am a member of the military family. I can see my brothers' reflection in you [the armed forces],” she said.

Referring to power, gas and water crises, the prime minister said the government is working hard to put an end to the nagging problems.

She said her government had increased power generation from 1600 MW to 4300 MW between 1996 and 2001, but when her party formed the government again in 2009, she found the power generation had come down to 3100 MW.

“We have so far added some 1,000 megawatt to the national grid. Efforts are on to install 30 power plants. Plans are afoot to set up 10 more power plants. We hope to add 2,400 megawatt to the grid in the near future,” said Hasina, also the president of Awami League.

She had earlier spoke at the graduation ceremony of the 12th National Defence Course and the 9th Armed Forces War Course-2010 at the NDC auditorium and gave away certificates.

NDC Commandant Maj Gen AKM Mujahid Uddin gave the welcome address.

The NDC has attained a worldwide reputation in a short time since its inception in 1998, Hasina said.

She was satisfied with an NDC course on national security for parliamentarians, civil and military officials and other professionals.

“I am sure the bond of thoughts and beliefs the National Defence College has created among the civil and military officials will contribute to the formulation of national policy,” said Hasina.

The prime minister said her government is ready to make any sacrifice to safeguard national security and the country's sovereignty.

“We want peaceful resolutions to all international and regional disputes. But we will be very tough if our national security and independence come under threat,” she continued.

Hasina said the government has been conducting drives to root out terrorism and extremism from Bangladesh.

Eleven brigadier generals from the army, a commodore and a group captain from the air force; eight joint secretaries from the civil service; a director general from the foreign service and a deputy inspector general of police completed the national defence course this year.

Twenty military officials from 13 countries including India, China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sudan also took the course.

Fifteen lieutenant colonels from the army, a captain and two commanders from the navy, and a group captain and three wing commanders from the air force completed the armed forces war course.


Quelle/Source: The Daily Star, 21.12.2010

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