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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Smart cities or intelligent cities have been talked about for years, something that is becoming closer to our daily lives.

The concept of smart cities was coined at the beginning of this century, primarily as an evolution of what was already known as digital cities, where information and communication technologies are implemented in a friendly manner to users. So that technology can be used efficiently and that it can contribute in improving the quality of life of the largest number of people.

Read more: CL: Smart city and use of technology

The establishment of a public innovation laboratory is among the key digital initiatives for the Chilean government in the 2014-18 period, Juan José Soto, the administration's executive coordinator of modernization and digital government, told BNamericas.

The innovation lab will be operational in 2015, and will focus on the creation of products or solutions that resolve challenges in the public sector, which could be via technological solutions or processes.

Read more: Public innovation lab among key digital initiatives for Chile govt

Roughly 10% of almost 200 public sector institutions in Chile are fully integrated into the e-government project, a plan to centralize information and cut down on paperwork, Marcos Vázquez, Spanish consultancy everis' public sector associate, told BNamericas.

Three years ago, Chile launched a new program called PISEE -the government integrated electronic platform system - intended to electronically integrate all government institutions, allowing a more centralized and efficient information process.

The platform is for paperwork from getting a birth certificate to starting up a company. In Chile, activities such as buying a house or getting a job may require getting several documents from different government offices - which can be a highly bureaucratic and time-consuming task.

Read more: CL: E-government project advances 10% in 3 years

The hospitals in Talcahuano (Las Higueras), San Carlosand Linares have inaugurated Cisco TelePresence units -- the high-definition video technology that allows them to interact with their patients via tele-consultations, examinations and interviews. The TelePresence technology also helps them find solutions for cardiovascular pathologies, the main public health problem facing Chilean society that has resulted in great human and economic impact.

This HD video communication solution enables the hospitals in Linares and San Carlos to connect with specialists in Las Higueras Hospital in Talcahuano and carry out remote specialized consultations -- as a result accelerating the process of attending to patients.

Read more: How TelePresence Improves Public Health Care in Chile

Web Wide World video documents government efforts to bridge digital/social divide; government procurement portal provides transparency and fights corruption

The Chilean government is a powerful catalyst in promoting e-government and Web-based transparency, with 98 percent of citizens filing taxes online and the launch of a government procurement portal used by 85,000 would-be contractors, according to Internet Evolution's newest Web Wide World video travelogue documenting Chile's use of Web technologies.

Read more: Internet Evolution Video Travelogue Chronicles the Internet's Rise in Chile

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