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Sunday, 29.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Chile's President Ricardo Lagos is confident the country will continue to improve IT in the public arena, he said in a news conference on Tuesday.

Lagos emphasized Chile's achievements in the e-government arena and pointed out that over 300 procedures can now be done through the internet. The president also stated that 95% of Chile's annual tax declarations are now submitted online, while 80% of income taxes are paid through the web.

"The digital gap has been one of our priorities," Lagos said. "Half of Chile's population has access to a computer. Over 70% of our educational institutions have internet access today, although only 25% have access to broadband." Increasing broadband access is one of the country's priorities, he said.

The president also emphasized the efforts the government has made in terms of training in both schools and the government itself in order to make the technological platform as efficient as possible.

Quelle: TMCnet, 17.01.2006

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