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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Roughly 10% of almost 200 public sector institutions in Chile are fully integrated into the e-government project, a plan to centralize information and cut down on paperwork, Marcos Vázquez, Spanish consultancy everis' public sector associate, told BNamericas.

Three years ago, Chile launched a new program called PISEE -the government integrated electronic platform system - intended to electronically integrate all government institutions, allowing a more centralized and efficient information process.

The platform is for paperwork from getting a birth certificate to starting up a company. In Chile, activities such as buying a house or getting a job may require getting several documents from different government offices - which can be a highly bureaucratic and time-consuming task.

Chile started the project with five main institutions, such as the civil registry, treasury and tax office. It has slowly integrated new ones, but is still behind when compared to more developed countries, according to Vázquez.

For 2012 Chile plans to fully integrate the foreign trade department, and the following year imports.


In order to keep developing the PISEE project, Vázquez highlighted the need to allow users access to all available sectors. The way to do this would be to offer a platform that works with an ID card that is unique for each user and recognized by the entire system.

"For example, in Spain we already have a unique electronic ID that works for all registered members, so they can access processes and information," Vázquez said.

On average, Chile's government invests US$100mn a year in the IT sector, he added, and of this amount, about 10% goes towards areas such as PISEE.

After Colombia, Chile is the most advanced IT country in Latin America when it comes to e-government, followed by Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil, according to the IDEG e-government index developed by everis and Spain's IESE business school.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Loreto Collao

Quelle/Source: Business News Americas, 29.04.2011

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