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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

President Yoweri Museveni has been sucked into an on-going internet deal war between his cabinet ministers and some government agencies.

In a January 8, 2018 letter, Museveni ordered all government ministries and agencies to henceforth procure all their internet services from the highly indebted Uganda Telecom (UTL).

Read more: UG: Museveni Orders Govt to Switch to Utl Internet

YahClick, an internet service provider, which has been in Uganda since 2012, plans to strengthen its business by going further than providing satellite broadband but to also provide solutions in e-healthcare, e-education and e-government services.

In a recent notice, Farhad Khan, the group’s chief commercial officer said by venturing in new areas, they would connect more people, organisations and businesses.

Read more: UG: YahClick to offer e-services

The ministry has developed the National ICT for Disability Policy as an intervention to close gaps in the use of ICTs by PWDs

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become the leading medium for communicating, transacting, informing, educating and entertaining all over the world.

Usage of technologies such as television, radio, fixed and mobile telephony, has become a basic and indispensable feature in the lives of people across the globe.

Read more: UG: The need for first ever national ICT for disability policy

Government will take a giant step in cleaning up its slow and bureacratic procurement system by kicking off a pilot electronic procurement system in two districts mid next year.

Architects say the move is aimed at curbing corruption, which is rampant in government ministries, departments and agencies. Also, the East African bloc is vying to have an e-procurment system rolled out throughout the region.

Read more: Uganda to pilot e-procurement July next year

Government, through National Information Technology Authority of Uganda (NITA-U), is seeking to integrate all information systems in government so that data can seamlessly be shared between the systems in a rational, secure, efficient and sustainable manner to enhance public service delivery.

Speaking at the systems integration meeting organised for the private sector players in the country in Kampala last week, the Permanent Secretary ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Mr Vincent Bagiire, said government has put in place the infrastructure that will enhance integration of systems.

Read more: UG: Govt to Engage Private Sector in E-Services

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