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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Izmit Municipality prevents waste of time by going digital. To build a sustainable smart city that uses all its resources efficiently; Izmit Municipality, which works to increase citizens' living standards and access services more easily, has moved the zoning and building permit process offered by the Directorate of Planning and Urbanization to digital.

Read more: TR: Kocaeli: Digital Zoning Process in Izmit

Konya Metropolitan Municipality KOSKİ General Directorate added a new one to its Smart City Applications. KOSKİ now uses biometric signature instead of wet signature in subscription transactions carried out at service points. With the new system, service is provided faster and more effectively, and digital archive transformation is accelerated by saving on paper and archival documents.

Konya Metropolitan Municipality KOSKİ General Directorate broke new ground among water and sewerage administrations in Turkey and closed the wet signature period for subscription transactions to be made at service points. In the new system to be implemented within the scope of the "Project for Carrying out Water and Wastewater Subscription Transactions with Biometric Signature", biometric signature is now available. will be used. The biometric signature application incorporated into Smart City Applications aims to provide more effective service by accelerating subscription processes, thus supporting the digital archive transformation by saving on paper and archive costs.

Read more: TR: Central Anatolia: Subscription Transactions Go Digital with Biometric Signature in Konya

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) has added a new one to its efforts to combat climate change. Istanbul has become one of the 100 cities accepted in the EU Commission's call for combating climate change. Having received the “Mission City” brand, Istanbul is entitled to EU funding until 2030. kazanwas. The fund allocated to R & D activities only between 2022 and 2023 is 370 million Euros.

IMM applied to the call of the "Mission of Cities", established by the European Union Commission (EU), on combating climate, last January. A total of 377 cities participated in the call. Istanbul, on the other hand, became one of the 100 accepted cities.

Read more: TR: Istanbul Is Moving Fast On The Way To Become A 'Carbonless and Smart City'

The Bursa Metropolitan Municipality signed a protocol with major Turkish software firm HAVELSAN for digital transformation in the city's Botanic Park, which is one of the largest parks in Türkiye's northern province of Bursa.

With the transformation, a wide-ranging work from smart irrigation systems to artificial intelligence-supported applications, will be implemented within the framework of the protocol.

Read more: Digital transformation begins in Türkiye's Botanic Park

Turkey is drawing a road map for its strategy in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which can be defined as the realization of actions such as making decisions, discovering meaning and learning in dynamic environments specific to intelligent creatures, by a computer or a computer-controlled machine. Accordingly, the Presidential Circular on the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy for 2021-2025 was published Friday in the Official Gazette.

The document was prepared by the Presidency’s Digital Transformation Office and the Industry and Technology Ministry in line with the 11th Development Plan.

Read more: Turkey rolls out strategic artificial intelligence road map

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