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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The concept of "Cyber Space" emerging beyond physical boundaries and rules is now of great importance for every country. In today's world, where almost all activities and services take place in the digital environment, the importance of cyber security has increased even more, especially with the pandemic period. Stating that data will replace oil in the near future, Procenne CEO Resul Yeşilyurt emphasized that necessary measures should be taken to protect the borders of our country in cyberspace. Saying that digitalization, which provides a great change in the functioning of the state, brings risks as well as opportunities; He pointed out that the work carried out by the government in the recent period has drawn an important vision for cyber security in both the public and private sectors and stated that Procenne is working to increase awareness in the field of cyber security in our country.

As the world evolves into an information economy, data is expected to replace oil in the near future. At this point, it is vital to protect the national digital assets of countries as well as the privacy of individuals and institutions. All kinds of information at the local, national and based on national technology protection and preservation of the 21st century is very important for cyber Turkey stressed Procenn CEO Rasul Yesilyurt, noting the need to take precautions to avoid cyber disaster drew attention made great strides in recent years in this regard.

Cyber security is essential to protect the existence and integrity of our country.

Saying that the awareness of institutions and businesses has increased mostly as a result of cyber attacks, Yesilyurt emphasized that the protection of the information of states in cyberspace is as important as protecting real borders and continued: "The concept of 'Cyberspace', which emerged beyond physical boundaries and rules, is now of great importance for every country. owner. In today's world, where almost all activities and services take place in the digital environment, the importance of cyber security has increased even more, especially with the pandemic period. We can say that almost everyone agrees that data will replace oil in the new world order. Cyber security across countries; It includes very important points such as administrative, sociological, legal, political and military dimensions. The concept of cyberspace includes many opportunities, as well as the same risk when it comes to the dimension of states. Cyber attacks, crimes, and even cyber wars now reveal that every country must protect its borders. Within these risks, cyber space security must be provided to protect the existence and integrity of our country and citizens."

Digitalization is transforming the functioning of the state

Yesilyurt all over the world as it is now said that Turkey also provides great advantages of information technology in many civic services; “Information technologies cause enormous changes in the functioning of the state as well as in the private sector. The duties and working models of the state and public institutions are being redefined. Almost all over the world, e-Government operation is used. Even for simple transactions from subscription to obtaining residence documents, government offices come to the pocket of the citizen with a single click. Thus, while saving costs and time for both the state and the citizens, it also increases the work efficiency for the employees. In addition, fast access and greater transparency are possible for everyone. All these factors provide a great advantage in terms of economy. These developments clearly reveal the importance of the privacy of citizens' information as well as the state's information.

Significant breakthroughs are happening in the cyber security field in Turkey

Resul Yeşilyurt, who stated that the efforts of the government in the recent period have drawn an important vision for cyber security in both the public and private sectors, continued his words as follows: “When making decisions, investors now prioritize countries that are considered successful in the digitalization index. In the increasingly competitive environment, the way to highlight or at least protect the domestic entrepreneurs in the international market is through the investment made in digitalization. In today's world, examples of how to bring many small producers together with a successful e-commerce infrastructure with suppliers from another part of the world are evident, and all of these are realized through investments in IT and telecommunications. Recently, there has been a very serious awareness about cyber security in the public sector as well as in the private sector. Can be found as a common sense platform to exchange ideas and cooperation of all stakeholders can perform the work began operating in Turkey Cyber Security Cluster. In addition; The decree on information security published by our President is a milestone in digital security and draws an important vision for cyber security in both the public and private sectors. Information and Communication Technologies Authority in the past months (ICTA) National Cyber Response Center opened the event on-site (USO I), cyber attacks on Turkey is trying to prevent detection by momentarily. USOM experts; official in Turkey, located in private institutions and organizations working in coordination with cyber incident response team. The cyber attacks carried out across Turkey for the internet infrastructure is being disposed in here determined instantaneously. It is also observed that with the Law on Protection of Personal Data, digital security awareness is made mandatory."

"We contribute to the awareness of our country in the field of cyber security through education"

Resul Yeşilyurt, who said that education and trained manpower constitute the most important capital in the field of digital security as in every subject, completed his words as follows: “We attach great importance to education and do long-term studies at this point. We have ongoing collaborations with universities. We receive consultancy from academics for our projects. We support the academic progress of our employees and provide flexibility in working hours. 26 percent of our R&D personnel are at the master's level and 5 percent at the doctoral level. We also implement an on-the-job training program. At the same time, we do the internships of the students who are currently continuing their education in our company, and we both help to meet these needs and contribute to the awareness of the students for the qualified workforce needed in the sector. Defense supported by the Industry Department, many public institutions, are attending the private sector and academia representatives of a generation which was implemented with the participation of Turkey Cyber conducted by Security Cluster Cyber ​​Division's intern twinning program. We also provide instructor support for Siber Cluster's trainings. In the upcoming period, we will continue to provide applied trainings in a niche area such as digital security by our expert employees. We are also working on university collaborations to pave the way for qualified experts in the field of digital security. We prepared 'cryptology for everyone' training in BTK's 1 million software developer project. 8 trainers from our company made this training possible with their contributions in 11 different subjects. We will continue our efforts to increase awareness in the field of cyber security in our country."


Quelle/Source: Railly News, 06.10.2020

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