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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Belarus is expected to make an active use of Korea’s e-government practices. The relevant issues were discussed in a meeting between Belarus Presidential Aide Vsevolod Yanchevsky and a delegation of experts from the Republic of Korea in Minsk on 19 March.

The goal of the two-week visit is study in detail the history, status and development plans for electronic government in Belarus. Korean experts will help form a roadmap for e-government development taking into account the existing advanced technologies and solutions. The delegation has comprised representatives of Samsung SDS, the Korea National Information Society Agency (NIA) and the Korea Information Certificate Authority.

Read more: Belarus to make use of Korea’s e-government practices

The Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Korea will share best practices in the field of electronic government, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Korea to Belarus Kang Weon Sik told a press conference on 27 February, BelTA has learnt.

“A big Korean delegation is set to visit Belarus in March. The delegation will include representatives of government agencies and private companies. They will come here to discuss implementation of the e-government system,” the diplomat said.

Read more: Belarus, S Korea to share best practices in e-government

The Government of Belarus approved the agreement with the Government of Lithuania on cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies and in the development of the information society, reads Resolution No. 120 as of 22 February 2013, BelTA has learnt.

The agreement was signed in Vilnius on 23 November 2012. The Foreign Ministry was instructed to send a notification about Belarus' fulfillment of the domestic procedures required for this agreement to come into force.

Read more: Belarus’ Government endorses agreement with Lithuania on cooperation in ICT

The possibility of creating the new system will be discussed by Belarusian and Korean experts in March. It was stated today by Ambassador of Korea in Belarus Kan Von Sik. During the spring visit the Korean Expert Group will explore development of Belarusian IT technologies. The high information level of development of the country guarantees success in creation of the e-Government. It is referred to information on the state policy and laws, feedback link, online-payments and electronic services. (Kan Von Sik, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Belarus)

Read more: e-Government to be launched in Belarus.

Eurasia’s first Master’s program “Electronic Government” involving experts from Korea, Austria, Germany and Russia will be launched this year by the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of Belarus, BelTA learnt from Rector of the Academy Anatoly Morozevich.

This will be a distant-learning course lasting for 1.5 years. After completing the program graduates will be granted a degree “Master of Public Administration”. The program graduates will specialize in computer engineering and public administration. The program is meant for employees of ministries implementing e-government solutions, company managers responsible for interaction with the government and local authorities, members of regional government agencies who maintain close contacts with the manufacturing sector and the public.

Read more: Belarus to launch Eurasia’s first Master’s program in e-government

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