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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

A seminar on using e-government technologies held in Minsk was attended by almost the entire line-up of the Council of Ministers. The participants analysed the implementation of state informatisation programmes and thoroughly studied international experience in using modern information and communication technologies in public administration.

In recent years, Belarus has made a real breakthrough in this sphere, as pointed out by experts from the United Nations, Estonia, Lithuania, as well as the global hi-tech leader Israel.

Read more: BY: Minsk hosts seminar on using e-government technologies

Belarus wants to be a link between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union. It is using its geographic location and economic advantages to attract more foreign investors. One of the key advantages is its pool of young specialists.

Sergei Popkov, Belarusian minister of Communications and Informatisation, spoke to Nikodem Chinowski. They discussed the government’s priorities for the implementation of internet solutions to business and the rapid dissemination of internet access among young Belarusians.

Read more: e-Belarus: Embracing the Internet and its Possibilities

The simplification of the tax system and electronic government will promote business initiatives, Director of Vitebsk Business Center Leonid Shur told BelTA when commenting on the speech of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko at the 5th Belarusian People's Congress.

It is good that concrete mechanisms of action aimed at to promoting business initiatives were enumerated. “For example, the President said that it is needed to simplify the procedure of paying taxes. And it is really needed for promoting business initiatives in the country. Belarus could also use the practice of developed countries, which is to introduce tax consultants. But it is better to simplify the tax system,” Leonid Shur said. The application of information technologies and formation of electronic government will be also useful. The number of civil servants will be reduced 1.5-2 times.

Read more: BY: Simple tax system, e-government to promote business initiatives

Further implementation of innovative systems will make Belarus' governance model more efficient, First Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Belarus Dmitry Shedko told the Belarus One TV channel as he commented on the Belarus President's speech at the 5th Belarusian People's Congress, BelTA has learned.

“First of all, in order to streamline our administrative models we should pinpoint the sectors where our efforts bring the minimum effect, i.e. to get rid of paperwork and mechanical work. These must be replaced by automated systems, systems supporting managerial decisions. The international experience in this area is huge. The e-government system has been introduced in a number of countries. We are moving in this direction and are confident that we will be able to transform the administrative process in Belarus in a couple of years,” said Dmitry Shedko.

Read more: Shedko: Innovative systems will make Belarus' governance model more efficient

Information technology should be implemented in every sector of the Belarusian economy, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said at the 5th Belarusian People's Congress on 22 June, BelTA has learned.

“Today there is no sector (from finances and banks to industry and agriculture) that has avoided IT penetration. Therefore, our main goal in the area is not just to develop a full-fledged e-government or increase software exports. The main goal is to implement information technology in every sector of the economy. It is one of the most efficient methods for reducing costs, optimizing management and improving competition,” Alexander Lukashenko noted.

Read more: Lukashenko wants information technology in every sector of Belarus economy

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