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Wednesday, 12.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Korea will share best practices in the field of electronic government, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Korea to Belarus Kang Weon Sik told a press conference on 27 February, BelTA has learnt.

“A big Korean delegation is set to visit Belarus in March. The delegation will include representatives of government agencies and private companies. They will come here to discuss implementation of the e-government system,” the diplomat said.

According to the United Nations, the Republic of Korea is among the leaders in the field of electronic government. Belarus has all it needs to promote e-government too, including a well-developed computer and Internet infrastructure, efficient and reputable public administration system.

Belarus and the Republic of Korea have already been successfully cooperating in this field. Thus, the Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of Belarus has launched a post-graduate course in e-government with assistance of Korea.


Quelle/Source: BelTA, 27.02.2013

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