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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
At the 2011 parliamentary elections, Russians will be able to cast their votes via their mobile phones, the Central Elections Commission has said.

The news was announced in Moscow on Thursday, by the head of the elections commission, Vladimir Churov, who said the mobile technology doesn’t have to be too complicated for voting.

Read more: Russia to introduce mobile phone voting in 2011

Java-Applikation kann für Stimmabgabe nur einmal verwendet werden

Die Zentrale Wahlkommission in Russland hat bekannt gegeben, dass Russen bei der Parlamentswahl 2011 ihre Stimme auch per Mobiltelefon abgeben können. Das berichtet das Telekomportal Cellular News unter Berufung auf den Nachrichtendienst RIA Novosti. Vladimir Churov, Chef der Wahlkommission, betonte bei der Ankündigung, dass hierfür ein technisch durchschnittlich ausgestattetes Handy genügen würde, um die Stimme abzugeben. "Einzige Voraussetzung ist, dass das Gerät Java-Applikationen unterstützt", wird Churov von zitiert.

Read more: Russen können Parlament 2011 per Handy wählen

The process of creation of e-Government of Karelia was discussed at the session of Informatization Council held on December 2 chaired by the Head of the Republic Sergey Katanandov.

The key instrument of forming the e-Government of Karelia is the Informatization of the Republic of Karelia in 2008-2012 regional target program. According to it, 23 information subsystems of the e-Government developed at the federal level and intended for automation of working processes in various fields of activity and aimed at maintenance of needs of the population and authorities in information exchange and electronic cooperation should be introduced by 2012.

Read more: Russia: Creation of e-Government of Karelia was discussed at the Informatization Council

President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday scolded the government for dragging its heels on introducing electronic filing and storage procedures aimed at reducing the consumption of paper.

Russia ranked 60th in a 2008 UN survey of world governments' e-government readiness, placing it below Costa Rica and above South Africa, according to materials distributed by the Kremlin press service. Sweden ranked first in the survey.

Read more: Russia: Medvedev Pushes for Paperless Government

Every year need for production and services in the field of information and communication technologies in Russia grows, information literacy of the population increases, the number of Internet users grows. In the information society information is both a subject of mass consumption, and a powerful economic resource. Development of information technologies directly influences development science and technologies, efficiency of public administration, and even political system - when it comes to access to resources and democracy development. All this raises new demands to authorities for formation of the regulatory legal base promoting development of information society in the country aimed at creation of the e-Government and development of informatization in regions. It was discussed at the session of the presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on implementation of the Information Society Development Strategy in the Russian Federation held on July 17 in Petrozavodsk by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Read more: Russia: Information society developing in Karelia

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