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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Head of Karelia Sergey Katanandov has held a session of the Informatization Council where aspects of telemedicine development and creation of public e-services in the republic were discussed.

Opening the session, Sergey Katanandov has noted, that Karelia has achieved good results in the field of using information-communication technologies. The region is on the fourth place on using information-communication technologies in the public and municipal administration, and in education.

Counsellor of the Head of the RK on Informatization Natalia Ruzanova has told, that on results of monitoring contents of official sites of executive authority and legislature held by the Institute for Information Freedom Development, among 85 regions of Russia the site of the Government of Karelia is on the second place. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area is on the first place. On this parameter the republic has got ahead of such large regions, as St.-Petersburg, Tatarstan and Moscow. Among regions of the Northwest, Karelia is the leader on the information openness of enforcement authorities – the Internet site of the Government of Karelia is on the first place.

Sergey Katanandov has suggested to monitor sites of ministries and departments at the level of the republic, as well as municipal units. «The rating will show everyone's attitude to development of information-communication technologies,» - Head of the Republic has told. An expert group will be created to carry out the research.

One of the tasks considered by participants of the Council concerned development of telemedicine in the republic, which may become a priority sphere of public health services. Therefore, now in Karelia significant efforts are made for creation of telemedical center. According to the Assistant to the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Karelia and the Minister of Health and Social Development Valery Boinich, for its occurrence there exists a developed telecommunication network and potential - presence of branches of the Republican Hospital, technological basis and highly skilled experts in the field of information-communication technologies. The center of telemedicine will be founded on the basis of Republican Hospital, and telemedical stations will open on the basis of its branches.

Also at the session of the Council creation of public e-services was discussed. Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Karelia has already gained some experience on granting them, having created a site within the scope of Development of e-Government Interactive Services for Business in the Northwest of Russia TACIS project. The site of the Ministry contains information and data on objects and land publicly owned, their characteristics, maps, and photos. It is possible to submit an application and calculate the size of expected rent through the Internet. As a result of the project implementation the period of official registration of papers reduced.

Head of the Republic has noted that the work accomplished by the Ministry of Natural Resources in the field of information is quite interesting and heads of all ministries and departments should pay attention to it. Sergey Katanandov has instructed members of the Council to develop offers for creation of a uniform information center of public services.


Quelle/Source: Republic of Karelia, 11.03.2008

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