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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
To what extent is Russia governable over the Internet? Some attempts at answering this question were made at a June 25 conference entitled “Development of e-Government in St. Petersburg” and organized by the St. Petersburg Information-analytical Center (IAC) the Partnership for Development of the Information Society in Northwest Russia (PRIOR NW) and City Hall.

The development of IT in Russia has faced its fair share of difficulties over recent years. The federal program “E-Russia” that was intended to develop Internet access across the entire country has ceased to exist in its original form and instead merged with administrative reform focused on the development of e-Governance.

Read more: Russia: Technological Windows Overseeing the Masses

St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Center state unitary enterprise has worked out the concept of an Integrated Automation System – One Window, which is acknowledged as the core solution within the E-Government project implementation in St. Petersburg.

Read more: Russia: One Window Integrated Automation System to be created in St. Petersburg

The low level of intellectual and other property rights protection in information and communication technologies is holding Russia back compared with many ex-communist countries, Global Information Technology said in a new report.

The report, covering 122 countries, ranks Russia 70th in its assessment of "the impact of information and communication technology, or ICT, on the development process and the competitiveness of nations for the year 2006-2007."

Read more: Weak Property Rights Hold Back Russian IT

The majority of respondents questioned by the Agency for Social Information are for receiving a wider spectrum of services, provided by the government through IT. E-government is becoming more and more popular, but mainly among the young and the middle age.

The study of e-government’s relevance at the regional and municipal levels carried out by the Agency for Social Information (ASI) under the auspices of Russian e-Development Partnership (PRIOR) has produced the following results. In 2007 56.1% of respondents approved the idea of service provision by governmental bodies through the internet (53% in 2006). 16.1% were against the mentioned above idea, while in 2006 the index amounted to 30%. 500 St Petersburg residents over the age of 18 were questioned.

Read more: Russia: E-government becoming more popular

Start des Datentransfers schon 2007

Russland und die USA haben sich prinzipiell darauf geeinigt, ab diesem Jahr Daten von Flugpassagieren auszutauschen. Das gab der russische Verkehrsminister Igor Lewitin am Samstag in einem Interview mit dem Fernsehsender Westi-24 bekannt.

Nach bisherigem russischen Recht sind die Daten von Flugpassagieren vertraulich. Um das zu ändern, werde im Laufe des Jänners ein entsprechender Gesetzesentwurf ins Parlament eingebracht, kündigte Lewitin an.

Read more: Russland tauscht Passagierdaten mit USA

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