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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), has restated its commitment to support government’s digital transformation agenda, through the planned auction of two additional 3.5GHz spectrum licenses for the massive rollout of the country’s Fifth Generation (5G) network in 2023.

Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of NCC, Professor Umar Garba Danbatta, who restated the commitment at the TechTV Digital Agenda Forum, which held in Lagos recently, said the Commission would not be distracted by any group, having put all necessary measures in place to ensure the success of the spectrum action this December.

Read more: NG: NCC Restates Commitment to Digital Transformation, Insists on 5G Spectrum Auction

The Lagos State Government on Thursday said it plans to tranform the state from a mega city to a smart city through arts exhibition.

Mrs Uzamat Akinbile-Yusuf, the state Commissioner for Tourism, Arts and Culture, said this during a media briefing in Lagos, heralding an art exhibition, to hold on Dec.13.

Read more: NG: LASG plans to transform state to smart city through arts exhibition

The chairman of Tata group, Natarajan Chandrasekaran, is on record as having said that “Going digital is no longer an option, it is the default”. When we consider how the world is evolving almost at the speed of light, we can confirm these words as valid and ones that everyone must digest and understand its implications for the benefit of everyone.

Nigeria has, indeed, gone digital, having made giant strides and bold steps that have been taken by this current government to enhance digital transformation. However, there is still a lot of ground to cover, a lot of room to bring in public and private sector organisations, communities and individuals to bridge the digital divide and enhance the gains of digitization. This, underscores critical importance of the National Shared Services Centre (NSSC), powered by Nigeria’s Digital Infrastructure Company, Galaxy Backbone (GBB).

Read more: Galaxy Backbone’s Shared Services Centre to Enhance Nigeria’s Digitization Drive

Broadband supports the development of the digital economy, hence, the reason the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), has, over the years, initiated a number of initiatives and policies to achieve 70 per cent broadband penetration by 2025.

One of such policies is the National Broadband Plan 2020-2025, which aimed to achieve 60 per cent fibre to towers connection; minimum of 120,000kmfibre infrastructure; fibre along all federal and state roads; fibre along 90 per cent of Local Government Area roads; connecting 100 per cent tertiary institutions to fibre and delivering 25 Megabyte per second internet speed by 2025.

Read more: NG: Achieving 70% Broadband Penetration By 2025

All over the World and in recent times, urban renewal and smart cities development has been in the front burner and evidently leading key discussions in the global real estate development conferences, seminars and webinars. As governments all of the economies of the World keep thinking on how to provide quality living for its citizens through urban renewal and smart cities development, urban renewal policies and by extension, smart cities developments have become an important part of government development policies aimed at engendering quality living for its fast-growing population. As long as the World population keeps growing in a geometrical trend, it will take strong urban renewal policies to engender sustainable housing and urban development.

Urban renewal entails the gradual redevelopment of areas with little or no property values with the primary objective of creating new and modern infrastructures that will engender development through strong and economically viable private sector participation, and generate revenue to the government through tax payment to the government. Most government urban renewal efforts have negative implications on the existing structures; in a bid to bring in development to an area, old structures must give way for the new ones especially in the area of road construction which is a very key element of urban renewal.

Read more: NG: Urban Renewal Policies: A Catalyst for Smart Cities Development

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