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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Department of Foreign Affairs launched a Web site on Thursday, which is to feature a breakdown of how Irish money is spent in development projects abroad.

Read more: Ireland puts foreign aid details on-line

Complementing research from last month, a new Forfas report has shown that spending on science and technology by the government jumped 23 percent in 2001.

Read more: Ireland: Government S&T spending jumps 23pc

Three Irish e-government initiatives are in the running for a prestigious European award.

Read more: Irish projects vie for top e-gov awards

Durch Schwierigkeiten bei der Realisierung des zentralen Public-Service-Portals der Regierung ist Irlands gesamtes e-Government-Programm ins Stocken gekommen.

Read more: Irland: Sand im e-Government-Getriebe

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