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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Minister for the Information Society, Mary Hanafin, TD, has admitted in a new progress report that delays have hampered a number of e-government services.

Read more: Ireland: Hanafin acknowledges e-government delays

NIO Minister Ian Pearson has launched new guidelines for the initiation of e-Government Pilot Projects in the Stormont Hotel, Belfast, today. The event, hosted by the sectoral representative body of the ICT industry, Momentum, outlined how private sector companies could submit ideas on how the government could do business in the 21st Century by taking advantage of modern technology.

Read more: Ireland: ICT companies invited to join in e-Government project

US consulting firm BearingPoint has confirmed that it will be the company changed with modernising Ireland's passport system.

Read more: Ireland: BearingPoint wins Irish passport deal

Das IT-Beratungshaus Bearingpoint hat mit der irischen Regierung einen Auftrag in zweistelliger Millionenhöhe abgeschlossen. Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung wird das ehemals als KPMG Consulting bekannte Unternehmen zusammen mit einer Gruppe anderer Firmen das Passamt des irischen Außenministeriums modernisieren.

Read more: Irland: Bearingpoint erhält E-Government-Auftrag der irischen Regierung

A new survey by iQ Content reveals that, while the Irish eGovernment program has made progress, significant implementation problems are being experienced by the majority of public sector agencies. Based on interviews with public sector eGovernment professionals, the iQ Content survey reveals that Ireland's eGovernment program remains largely on track.

Read more: Ireland: Content a Key Barrier to Effective eGovernment Implementation

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