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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ireland's reputation as a top performer in the provision of e-government services is declining as other Member States make advances.

So says the annual report from Capgemini conducted on behalf of the European Commission, which placed Ireland fourth in Europe in terms of online sophistication of e-government services with a score of 84 percent. This score tied with the UK but was five points behind the leader, Sweden. Last year Ireland had a score of 86 percent, making it joint second with Denmark, and in 2001 Ireland topped the list with 68 percent.

Read more: Ireland slips in e-government rankings

Over 8,000 people in Ireland have used the Revenue Commissioners' new SMS service since its launch in February.

The texting service, launched in February, allows PAYE customers to request information such as PAYE leaflets and forms by sending text messages to a dedicated short-code -- 51829 -- from their mobile phones. Users are also able to claim PAYE tax credits through the service.

Read more: Irish firm marries e-government and SMS

Ireland needs to increase the rate of public access to the internet and particularly to broadband if it is to improve its position relative to other European nations adopting e-government, IDC has said.

In a recent survey IDC ranked 15 Western European countries on e-government on two key factors: readiness and sophistication of services. One of the measures for a high readiness rating is internet access, as this is essential for ensuring the population is equipped to transact with public services via the web and similar channels.

Read more: Ireland must improve net access to beat e-gov lag

The government intends to implement 70 percent of the recommendations of the Enterprise Strategy Group's (ESG) report on staying competitive.

Published in July 2004, the ESG's report outlined the challenges and opportunities facing the enterprise sector in Ireland over the coming decade. It also outlined the measures government and industry needed to take if Ireland was to meet those challenges and capitalise on the opportunities.

Read more: Ireland Government launches 'Enterprise Action Plan'

This year's overall winner of the Irish eGovernment Awards 2005 is the Land Registry Office.

The LRO completes 3,300 business transactions per day online.

The vast bulk of the Land Registry's business has moved online leading to 769,000-paid transactions last year. Since the online service was launched a total of more than 2 million paid transactions have been carried out.

Read more: Ireland: 20,000 hits at day at Revenue website

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