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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Following the establishment of the human resource interface on e-VEM - the one-stop shop (OSS) for businesses in Slovenia - business entities and public bodies can perform online the compulsory registration of the newly hired staff with the social insurance authority, directly through their respective human resource systems.

Read more: Slovenia: Online registration of employees with compulsory social insurance

At a press conference held on 9 June 2010, Ms. Katarina Kresal, the Slovenian Minister for the Interior introduced a service of anonymous electronic reporting of domestic violence.

Participating in the presentation were the Project Coordinator Staš Svetek from the Directorate for Police and other security functions (MNZ) and Tatjana Mušič from the Criminal Police (GPU). Minister Kresal said that domestic violence is a pressing social problem perceived by everyone, but often silent, which is why the Ministry made it a high policy priority. Hence during 2009 the Ministry along with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) conducted a broad information and prevention campaign. The goal was on the one hand to encourage victims to seek help more quickly and to make offenders face liability for their actions and, on the other hand, to invite people detecting a case in their neighbourhood or having suspicions to take an active part against domestic violence.

Read more: Slovenia: Anonymous electronic reporting service to combat domestic violence

The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia is set to rollout a new eHealth insurance card system throughout the country.

The new system, based on IBM technology, enables healthcare providers to check a patient’s health insurance status and enables health claims to be processed online.

Read more: Slovenia goes for eHealth

"The e-Health Project is one of the priority development programmes and among the largest national IT projects. Partly co-financed by the European Social Fund, substantial funds have been earmarked for its implementation." The Minister of Public Administration, Irma Pavlinič-Krebs, addressed these words to participants in her opening remarks to the introductory part of the international e-Health seminar held at Center Evropa in Ljubljana.

The international e-health seminar entitled "SEeHealth: The Roadmap from Concept to Practice" and organised, together with its partners and stakeholders, by the regional Centre for e-Governance Development (Ce GD) was opened by the Minister of Public Administration, Irma Pavlinič Krebs, who addressed the participants. In her address, she first emphasised that the use of information and communication technologies in public administration services could significantly contribute to the provision of efficient and high-quality services at a lower cost to both citizens and companies.

Read more: Solvenia: Minister Krebs: “e-Health Project provides answers to contemporary health challenges"

Internet usage in households and enterprises, Slovenia, 1st quarter 2008.

In the first quarter of 2008, 59% of households had access to the Internet, 50% of the households used broadband Internet access. In the first quarter of 2008, 58% of persons aged 10 to 74 used the Internet.

Read more: Internet usage in households, Slovenia, 1st quarter 2008

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