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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Through an EIB loan, Resalta, a Slovenian provider of energy efficiency and management solutions, will substantially improve its capabilities

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Slovenian provider of energy efficiency and energy management solutions Resalta have signed an agreement for a 12 million euro loan that will allow the company to expands its reach, scope and capabilities and be able to offer its service across different parts of Europe.

Read more: Slovenia on the path towards digitalisation

The government approved the co-financing of projects aimed at improving connectivity across the country

Slovenians living in remote and distant areas will soon have the opportunity to enjoy a proper lag-free experience. The country’s central government recently approved a new piece of legislation called the Regulation on Broadband Infrastructure Support that aims to provide the necessary assistance and co-funding to projects being developed in so-called “white areas”.

Read more: Broadband network to be expanded to remote rural areas of Slovenia

Both e-government provision and digital and computer skills have come on leaps and bounds over recent years. But how important is digital literacy in getting the most out of e-government services? According to new research from Slovenia carried out by Bojan Cestnik and Alenka Kern, it is possibly less important than administrative literacy in this regard.

According to the Capgemini benchmark study of the e-Government field in Europe, online availability and the sophistication of services for citizens and business have steadily improved over the last decade. The actual average for national online availability in Europe has reached an impressive 74%, while the online availability for local public services stands at 63%. Modern usability features are present on 78% of government websites. However, the ease and speed of use of the same websites scored at only 58%. Although the online availability and sophistication of e-Government services have achieved remarkable level of development in EU, citizen participation and engagement have not followed the same pattern. The figures for the year 2014 show that 54 % of EU citizens are non-believers or potential drop-outs from e-government services. According to this data there is much to be done if we want to increase the citizens’ participation and engagement.

Read more: Research from Slovenia shows ‘administrative literacy’ is key in people getting the most from...

Novo Mesto is a small Slovenian city located on scenic bend of the River Krka. Settled in prehistoric times, the city has always been smart about the way it manages its resources. The idea of keeping the air, water and soil clean for future generations is deeply ingrained in the collective mindset. Citizens and tourists can jump into the river for a swim right from the town’s main square.

“We’re not the first or the last people to live on this planet,” says the city’s deputy mayor, Bostjan Grobler. “Becoming a smart city is not a goal. Keeping our people and environment healthy in order to provide sustainable jobs and attractive living spaces is our goal. Technology helps us achieve that.”

Read more: SI: Novo Mesto: Becoming A Smart City Is Not A Goal; It’s A Lifestyle

Since December 2012, thanks to the new electronic process initiated by the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, re-submitting claims for child benefit and kindergarten fee subsidy can also be made online, using a valid digital certificate.

Before this new system was introduced, parents wishing to re-submit a child benefit claim had to complete a complicated form at a centre for social services. As a fist step towards simplifying the exercise of the entitlement to child benefit and kindergarten fee subsidy, the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, have introduced a new system of exercising entitlements.

Read more: SI: Online re-submission of claims for child benefit and kindergarten fee subsidy

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