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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Slovenia shows good development in the information society indicators, although it is generally just behind EU averages, the European Commission said in its recently published annual information society 2010 report.

Broadband take-up among households is just below the EU average (61.7% in Slovenia vs. 62.1% in the EU-25) and is growing at similar rates as Europe as a whole, the report says.

Overall internet use is also average (40.8%/42.6%), and the same applies to the share of household connections that are broadband.

Citizens are using internet and online services at normal rates to the connection level. Use is close to the EU average for utility services, and above the EU average for media use. With 47% in regular internet users Slovenia is just in the EU average placing 13th among 25 states.

Thus, Slovenians are not sending as many e-mails as their EU colleagues and are less ardent internet shoppers, they year however above average when it comes to downloading games and music, streaming radio and TC, as well as reading online papers and magazines.

The number of eGovernment services fully online is above the EU average, and especially good for citizen services. Enterprise use of eGovernment is above average at both basic and advanced levels.

Whereas the number of broadband connected schools is fairly high (85% vs. EU average of 67%), the number of computers (7.5%/9.9%) and the actual use by teachers (67.6%/75%) lags behind.

ICT skills levels in the workforce are slightly above average both for user-level and specialist skills and the number of specialists employed shows continuing improvement.

Investment in R&D is lower than average as is the relative share of ICT-related R&D activities. Enterprise connectivity levels have not grown significantly the last year and are now just above average.

Use of eBusiness applications is lagging behind and eCommerce growth has been slower than the EU average.

Quelle/Source: Slovenia Business Week, 02.04.2007

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