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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Top world renowned speakers have been announced to be part of the International eGovernment Forum 2018 which will be held next month.

Leading speakers from some of the top global companies as well as governmental sectors will be part of this year’s edition, it is learnt.

Read more: BH: Reowned experts to share dais at leading eGovernment forum

he final evaluation of the government service centres commenced two days ago. The final evaluation process is led by the Government Service Centre Evaluation Committee, which was set up following the directives of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, to enhance the standards and competence of government services.

“The assessment, which will span over two weeks, will cover over 70 centres across the Kingdom, through various methods, including field visits, mystery shoppers, and specific QR code evaluation surveys conducted via the National Suggestions and Complaints System application (Tawasul)”, stated the Chairman of the Government Services Centres Committee, Mohammed Ali Al=Qaed, Chief Executive of the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA).

Read more: BH: Over 70 government service centres undergoing final evaluation

Bahrain’s ICT Governance Committee (ICTGC) showcased BD3 million ($7.9 million) worth of IT projects which were studied and reviewed in collaboration with concerned entities at the ICTGC’s recent 21st meeting.

The projects included the transportation licensing system, network infrastructure refreshment, network infrastructure replacement & enhancement along with other projects.

Read more: Bahrain’s ICTGC showcases $7.9m IT projects

The Civil Service Bureau had requested the approval of 14 government agencies to provide a number of services to re-engineer and streamline procedures.

CSB asked agencies to focus on services that contribute to the advancement of economic and investment progress in the Kingdom and services that contribute to raising the government apparatus’ efficiency that affect a large segment of citizens and residents.

Read more: BH: CSB to streamline procedures in government agencies

The eGovernment has offered to assist Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC) in presenting a workshop to explain its streamlined communication project which provides various types of quality services for national sports federations as well as youth and sports centres in Bahrain.

"This contribution will help the committee to implement its new initiative launched by His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, representative of His Majesty the King for Charity Works and Youth Affairs, Supreme Council for Youth and Sports Chairman, and BOC President, to replace all paper-based transactions with e-transactions as part of the committee’s new green policy," said the head of the Green Policy Implementation Committee, Mai Al Binkhalil.

Read more: BH: eGovernment contributes to BOC project

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