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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Visa-Kunden sollen bald mit ihrer Stimme bezahlen können

    Das weltweit agierende Kreditkartenunternehmen Visa will die menschliche Stimme künftig verstärkt zur Legitimierung von Bezahlvorgängen heranziehen. Gemeinsam mit dem US-Spezialisten für Spracherkennung Vocent Solutions arbeitet Visa derzeit an der Entwicklung verschiedener Sicherheitsanwendungen auf der Basis von Stimmanalysen, die später im E- und M-Commerce eingesetzt werden sollen.
  • Visa: Kreditkarte mit Spracherkennung

    Der Kreditkartenanbieter Visa International und der Softwarehersteller Vocent Solutions wollen ein Authentifizierungssystem auf Spracherkennungsbasis herausbringen, das sich gemeinsam mit Visa-Kreditkarten nutzen lässt.
  • Visa: Menschliche Stimme als Sicherheitslösung

    Das Kreditkartenunternehmen Visa International hat seine Kooperation mit dem US-Spezialisten für Spracherkennung Vocent Solutions zur Entwicklung von Sicherheitsanwendungen auf der Basis von Stimmanalysen bekanntgegeben.
  • VN: Government agencies seriously lacking security experts

    Vietnam has been warned that it will not succeed in building up an e-government and become an information technology power if it cannot settle the current deficiency of information security experts.

    In fact, lacking information security experts is the big problem of almost countries now, when the “information war” tends to escalate, and the cyberspace has become a new “battle”. And Vietnam is not an exception.

    Nguyen Minh Duc, Director of the Security Division of Bach Khoa Internetwork Security Center (BKIS) said that many holes have been existing in the networks of many ministries, branches and enterprises in Vietnam, because the agencies and enterprises do not have the staff in charge of information security. In 2010, about 1000 big websites were attacked by hackers. The same figure was also reported for 2009.

  • Ways AI and IoT can Improve Citizen Security in Smart Cities

    Terrorism rates and environmental degradation are also at an all-time high. Aside from that, cybercriminals and malicious attackers are becoming more technologically savvy each day. Traditional defense mechanisms and technologies cannot adequately address these security concerns. This is where smart data-centric technologies can help.

    In recent years, the term 'Smart city' has become quite popular. This refers to the development or urbanization of a locality based on the latest developments in technology. It is no surprise that traditional cities have already started becoming smarter with a range of digital public services and connected solutions for citizens and travelers.

  • Why Estonia Is the Poster Child for Cyber-Security

    I'm just back from a conference on cyber security held in Estonia, or, as the editors always force me to write: "the tiny Baltic nation of Estonia." Other popular tropes: "in Estonia, more than 90 percent of all banking is done online, digital signatures are used widely by government officials and you can pay for parking with your cell phone. Geeks have dubbed the place E-stonia. Oh, and four Estonians built Skype."

    Right, we get it. Twenty years ago, the country shook free of the Soviets and made a strategic decision to invest, heavily, in information technology. The country's President, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, put it this way: "We are a small, unassuming European country that's fairly advanced when it comes to Internet applications."

  • Will Digital Security Agency in India be a reality?

    For the first time in India, there is now a talk of a “Digital Security Agency” of India to deal with Cyber Warfare, Cyber Counter Terrorism and Cyber Security of National Digital Assets.

    For too long India has been talking of being an e-Super Power without addressing the issue of Digital Security. But now there is a hope. The hope has come in the form of an election manifesto from one of the major political parties of India namely the BJP. Copy of the manifesto released on 3rd April, 2009.

  • Mit einem Klick zur IT-Sicherheit

    Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik präsentiert sich in neuem Gewand.

    Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) ging heute am 29. September 2004 mit seinem komplett überarbeiteten Internetauftritt online. Mit seinem neuen Angebot im World Wide Web präsentiert sich das BSI als moderne Behörde. Das aktualisierte Internetangebot bietet dem Besucher ein umfassendes Angebot an Informationen rund um Fragen zur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik und ermöglicht es, immer up to date zu bleiben.

  • ZA: Putting safety at the heart of the city

    The access and use of public spaces by women without risk is a fundamental human right, and yet it remains an elusive one.

    For most women, moving around the city at night, or in secluded spaces, is often unsafe, if not downright dangerous.

    While no technology in the world can remove the risk completely, this is as much a cultural shift as it is an innovative implementation, there are ways in which the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities can support safety and wellbeing.

  • Zentralisierung von EU-Fahndungsdatenbanken in der Kritik

    Bei Datenschützern und EU-Parlamentariern regt sich Widerstand gegen das im Juni bekannt gegebene Vorhaben (PDF-Datei) der EU-Kommission, eine "Agentur für das Betriebsmanagement von IT-Großsystemen" im Bereich innere Sicherheit aufzubauen. So fürchtet etwa Alexander Alvaro, Innenexperte der Liberalen im EU-Parlament, laut einem Bericht des Spiegel, dass mit der Initiative eine "gigantische Menge unterschiedlicher Daten" zentralisiert würde. Dies ergebe nur Sinn, wenn damit ausgefeilte Personenprofile erstellt werden sollten. Die Folge wären "amerikanische Verhältnisse" in Europa.

  • ZM: Surveillance camera projects deployed to watch on people

    Zambia has deployed surveillance camera project solutions on the roads namely the Advanced Road Safety Management System and the Intelligent Mobility Solutions (IMS) – Safe City Project.

    These are similar in the conceptualisation and implementation of the work systems because the two systems work complimentary to each other.

    “The Safe City Project now under implementation by Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment (ZTE) Corporation is a reflection of China Zambia Security Cooperation. China has provided a large amount of military and security equipment,” said Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Jie in a speech at the commissioning and handing over of paramilitary police housing units in Lilayi.

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