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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • India’s top law enforcement agency to set up cybercrime center

    India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is teaming up with the country’s National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) to establish a cybercrime center.

    Under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed Monday, the CBI will work with Indian law enforcement agencies and industry to set up the Cyber and Hi-Tech Crime Investigation and Training Center (CHCIT) for combating cybercrime.

    The cyber crime center will be used as a platform to expand cooperation between law enforcement and industry in the areas of sharing information on emerging threats and technologies, security standards, best practices, new challenges from cybercriminals, and improved cybercrime investigation and computer forensics.

  • Indien: Eigenes Betriebssystem für mehr Sicherheit

    Neuentwicklung soll Hackerangriffe erschweren und Daten behüten

    Der indische Staat will seine Computersysteme besser absichern und setzt dazu auf ein eigenes Betriebssystem. In zwei Forschungszentren der Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) sollen zunächst 50 Informatiker an der Entwicklung arbeiten, berichtet The Hindu. "Ein eigenes Betriebssystem wird uns helfen, Hackerangriffe auf unsere Systeme zu verhindern", sagt V.K. Saraswat, wissenschaftlicher Berater des indischen Verteidigungsministeriums. Damit soll nicht zuletzt Datenspionage vorgebeugt werden.

  • Infineon gains inside track in German IT security initiative

    Infineon Technologies AG said this week (June 30) it has signed an agreement with the German Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Inneren) for close future cooperation on IT security.

    According to the Munich-based chip maker, the agreement covers "a close information exchange" in three security areas: smart card technology, future mobile applications, and security components needed to increase the trustworthiness of personal computers and computer networks.

  • Infineon und Bundesinnenministerium arbeiten an umfassender Signaturkarte

    Das Bundesinnenministerium und der Chiphersteller Infineon wollen künftig im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit zusammenarbeiten. Danach soll eine qualifizierte Signaturkarte für jeden Bürger die zukünftigen Anwendungen Bürgerkarte, Jobkarte und Gesundheitskarte auf der Basis des deutschen Signaturgesetzes und die Aufnahme biometrischer Funktionalität umfassen.
  • Infineon und Bundesinnenministerium kooperieren für IT-Sicherheit

    Das Bundesministerium des Inneren und Infineon Technologies wollen eng für die Verbesserung der IT-Sicherheit zusammenarbeiten. Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily und Ulrich Schumacher, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Infineon, haben heute in München ein entsprechendes "Memorandum of Understanding" unterzeichnet. Ziel ist es, die Grundlagen für eine verbesserte Sicherheit von IT-Systemen für die öffentliche Verwaltung, Unternehmen und Privathaushalte zu schaffen, teilt Infineon mit.
  • Infineon und Innenministerium kooperieren bei IT-Sicherheit

    Der Halbleiter-Hersteller Infineon und das Bundesinnenministerium (BMI) wollen im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit künftig kooperieren.
  • Innenministerium und Infineon für mehr IT-Sicherheit

    Das Bundesministerium des Inneren (BMI) und Infineon wollen künftig im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit zusammenarbeiten. Innenminister Otto Schily und Infineon-Chef Ulrich Schumacher unterschrieben ein entsprechendes "Memorandum of Understanding".
  • Innenministerium unterstützt Sicherheit

    Für mehr Sicherheit im Netz macht ein umfassender Bericht zur Betrugsbekämpfung die Verbraucher, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung stark.

    Zum Thema Betrug im Internet fehlen vielen Nutzern zwar nicht das Sensorium, dafür aber die Handlungsempfehlungen. Genau die möchte der Abschlussbericht der Projektgruppe ‚Effektive Betrugsbekämpfung’ des Bundesinnenministeriums den Verbrauchern, der Wirtschaft und der Verwaltung nun liefern, um so die Betrugsgefahr zu reduzieren. Mit dabei ist auch die Initiative D21 und Vertreter von Unternehmen und Verbänden aus den Bereichen Online-Handel und Online-Banking.

  • IT security kitemark launched by UK Government

    The UK Government today unveiled a quality award scheme designed to ensure that users of off-the-shelf IT security products are buying a product that meets Government-approved standards. An encryption vendor won the first accreditation today.

    The CSIA Claims Tested Mark scheme is primarily aimed at IT and information security managers across the public sector, but is also expected to serve as a useful guide to small and medium-sized businesses wanting to know their purchasing meets government's preferred standards.

  • IT-Sicherheit: Die neuen Feinde im Inneren

    Im Januar dieses Jahres hat der Computervirus „SQL-Slammer“ nach britischen Angaben Ausfallschäden in Höhe von 950 Mill. Dollar verursacht. Vor zwei Jahren machten der Virus „Nimda“ und der Wurm „Code-Red“ Schlagzeilen: Die Vereinigten Staaten bezifferten die Schäden damals auf insgesamt 5,2 Mrd. Dollar. Diese Vorfälle zeigen, dass den Nervensträngen moderner Gesellschaften – den Informations- und Kommunikationsnetzen eines Landes – neue Gefahren drohen.
  • IT-Sicherheit: EU-Kommission will Informations- und Warnsystem aufbauen

    ENISA beauftragt

    Die EU-Kommission will ein Informations- und Warnsystem für Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik aufbauen. "Die Art der Bedrohung ändert sich, also muss sich auch unsere Antwort darauf ändern", meint die für die Informationsgesellschaft und Medien zuständige EU-Kommissarin Viviane Reding heute in Brüssel. "Während es den Hackern in der Vergangenheit vor allem um Ruhm ging, sind heute viele kriminelle Machenschaften auf Profit ausgerichtet. Deshalb brauchen wir eine neue Strategie, die auf Dialog, Partnerschaft und Eigenverantwortung beruht.“

  • Italy: PA Forum: Sogei for Strategic Information Systems Safeguard

    The public administration modernization via ICT does not only involve the digitalization of services but also the safeguard of strategic information systems from attacks and natural calamities - such as that of the State Accounting for which Sogei manages the Disaster Recovery site - or that of ACI Informatica for which Sogei is projecting and will manage the Business Continuity Service.
  • Japan faces crisis of confidence over Internet safety

    Four out of five Japanese Internet users feel are worried about their privacy and feel insecure when using the Internet, according to the results of a government survey.

    The survey, published as part of the annual White Paper on Information and Communications in Japan, found Internet users in Japan are worried about multiple aspects of being online. However, the government said their worries might be out of proportion with the actual risks they face.

  • Kuwait hosts cyber security conference

    The Arabian Conference on Information and Communications Security (ACICS) was launched yesterday at the Al-Raya Ballroom under the auspices of the Prime Minister HH Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah. The two-day conference is due to include exhibitions presented by the participating institutions.

    Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, Minister of Information and Communication and Chairman of the Central Agency for Information Technology Salem Al-Othaina announced, "This conference is being held at the time when information and communications security has changed from a technical issue of IT to a national security issue that is addressed with the greatest importance by political leaders. The United States and European Union have established special departments for information and communications security and for countering electronic crimes and terror. Many states envisage having such departments in the future.

  • KY: Gov’t IT security still not up to par

    The Cayman Islands government’s information technology (IT) security continues to be poor and has even “deteriorated” since 2012 the former Auditor General (AG) Alastair Swarbrick said.

    In a recently issued report to the Legislative Assembly, he summarised his ongoing concerns with government IT security. This report follows one that he issued back in 2012 to government managers on the same issue.

  • KY: Government faces serious IT security threats

    The auditor general has lifted the lid on a warning made to government some three years ago that it was facing serious risks to its security due to a catalogue problems. One of a number of reports the auditor managed to complete and pass on to legislators ahead of his departure, Alastair Swarbrick’s latest report on the risks to governments IT reveals that problems identified in 2012 have not been addressed and the situation is even worse. Government is not doing enough to protect its systems and information from the risks and threats of cyber-attack, he said.

    Following up on the 2012 audit this year on the poor state of IT security, Swarbrick said, “Progress has been too slow in addressing the concerns raised some three years ago and the opportunity for significant damage to government operations and its reputation should mean that significantly more action is needed.”

  • Malaysia: Trust Some One

    Secured electronic transactions are done based on trusted platforms.

    Trust is one of the most difficult things to gain. Once someone has lost his or her trust in you, it will be incredibly hard to regain it. However, trust is the much needed component when it comes to e-government and conducting business on the Internet.

  • Middle East emerges as prime market for enterprise and government security spend

    New research from analysts Datamonitor claims that investment in security solutions for e-government initiatives is set to soar in the coming years, as authorities seek to defend their networks against cyber attacks.
  • Middle East Security Spending increases

    New research from analysts Datamonitor claims that investment in security solutions for e-government initiatives is set to soar in the coming years, as authorities seek to defend their networks against cyber attacks.

    Across the region, e-government programs have flourished in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Figures from Datamonitor predict that, as authorities in the Middle East turn to e-government solutions, security spending to protect them will also increase.

  • Mobile phone-based authentication market set to grow

    Goode Intelligence, a specialist provider of information security and mobile commerce research and analysis, has issued a report revealing that the market for mobile phone-based authentication products and services is set to grow significantly over the next five years especially in North American markets.

    Goode Intelligence forecasts that for North America, mobile phone-based authentication products and services will generate just over $48 million in 2010 and that the market will grow to $142 million in revenue by 2014; an increase of $94 million and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24 percent.

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