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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Commentary: How AI Can Build Safer Cities

    From predictive policing to smart surveillance systems, AI-powered technologies are driving the creation of safer cities by enabling proactive crime prevention and efficient emergency response.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology quickly revolutionizing the world, one sector at a time. Modern cities should quickly capitalize on this sophisticated technology to create safer spaces for residents and improve their quality of life. Here’s how AI is paving the way for safer cities worldwide.

  • India offers expertise to combat web security threat

    Aims to raise awareness of potential threat to systems in Gulf

    India's apex electronics and software council has offered its expertise to help Gulf countries and companies to face the growing threat to security over the worldwide web.

    "India has faced security threats from a long time and we have developed systems and software to successfully face attacks over the internet whether they are targeted at federal or state institutions or the private sector," DK Sareen Executive Director of India's Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC), told Emirates 24|7.

  • "Perfect Citizen": USA planen Cyber-Überwachung

    System dient dem Schutz von Infrastruktur-Einrichtungen

    Die US-Regierung hat unter dem Namen "Perfect Citizen" ein umfassendes Überwachungsprogramm gestartet, um kritische Infrastruktur-Systeme wie das Stromnetz oder die Flugsicherung vor Cyber-Attacken zu schützen. Der US-Rüstungskonzern Raytheon hat sich einen bis zu 100 Mio. Dollar schweren Vertrag für die Umsetzung gesichert, berichtet das Wall Street Journal unter Berufung auf Insider.

    Das für die National Security Agency (NSA) entwickelte System soll mithilfe von Sensoren in Netzwerken vor ungewöhnlichen Cyber-Aktivitäten warnen. "Intrusion Prevention ist extrem wichtig bei kritischer Infrastruktur. Es ist wohl am besten, wenn eine Regierung in dieser Hinsicht Standards einführt und eine aktive Rolle spielt", meint Sean Sullivan, Security Advisor bei F-Secure, im Gespräch mit pressetext. Er bezweifelt, dass die Schutzmaßnahme gegen Cyber-Angriffe ein großes Risiko für die Privatsphäre darstellt.

  • 15 Staaten vereinbaren bessere Zusammenarbeit bei IT-Sicherheit

    Erstmalig berieten sich Sicherheitsexperten und Vertreter von Regierungen und Polizei gemeinsam um den Anforderungen an eine internationale IT-Sicherheitspolitik genüge zu tun.
  • 15 Staaten wollen bei IT-Sicherheit enger kooperieren

    Die Innenminister aus 15 Staaten haben heute auf einer Konferenz in Berlin beschlossen, bei der IT-Sicherheit enger zusammenzuarbeiten. Zu der Konferenz hatten Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily und sein US-amerikanischer Kollege Tom Ridge, eingeladen. Teilnehmer waren 15 auf dem Gebiet der IT-Sicherheit führende Nationen. Erstmals haben sich Experten für technische IT-Sicherheit dieser Länder sowie Vertreter aus den Ministerien und aus dem Gebiet der Strafverfolgung zusammengefunden, um an gemeinsamen Modellen verbesserter Kooperation zu arbeiten, teilt das Innenministerium mit.
  • 2048 Bit-Schlüssel weiter auf der sicheren Seite

    Meinel: Keine Gefahr durch Bernsteins Versuch RSA zu knacken

    Sowohl durch Verwendung längerer Schlüssel als auch durch Entwicklung neuer Verschlüsselungsverfahren wird die Vertraulichkeit des Datenaustauschs über das Internet auch weiterhin gewährleistet bleiben. Mit diesem beruhigenden Hinweis hat der Trierer Informatik-Professor und Leiter des Instituts für Telemematik, Christoph Meinel, auf einen Bericht in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung reagiert. Danach soll angeblich ein "Chaos" ausbrechen, falls es dem US-Mathematiker Daniel J. Bernstein gelingt, mit seiner geplanten neuen Rechenmaschine das Verschlüsselungssystem RSA zu knacken.
  • Advancing security in smart cities with facial recognition technology

    Being the catalysts of growth, smart cities are founded on a technology-powered infrastructure. Digitisation in global economies has led the way to a transformative shift to smart security, universal convenience, and accelerated advancements.

    By 2026, smart cities will be expected to generate an economic benefit of USD 20 trillion globally.

  • AE: DEWA garners the highest ISO certification in Information Security

    For the third time in a row

    Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has made a new success by obtaining the highest ISO certification (ISO 27001:2005) in Information Security. This certification is ranked as the highest standard of quality Information Security and Protection all over the world. For the third time in a row, DEWA's Information Technology Division has passed processes of assessment, auditing and monitoring conducted by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited (LRQA).

    The selection mechanism adopted by Lloyd's Register's delegated committee, offering ISO (27001:2500) depended on accurate criteria, which included reviewing employees' acquired skills, training courses and workshops provided to them, as well as a detailed review of the policies and mechanisms of applied procedures so as to know how far requirements of the standard levels of Information Security are implemented.

  • AE: Dubai's public transport introduces facial recognition for security

    Dubai is all set to introduce the feature of facial recognition system on public transport to assure more security for the locals, the officials announced on Sunday.

    "This technology has proven its effectiveness to identify suspicious and wanted people," said Obaid al-Hathboor, director of Dubai's Transport Security Department.

  • AU: Council says integrated camera network boosts security

    For about 15 years, the City of Hobart had been using CCTV to protect council property and keep the streets safe. But the system was ad-hoc, patchy, siloed, unreliable.

    That changed some two years ago when Council decided to upgrade the city’s legacy security system and reinstate it as a single, citywide integrated network.

  • AU: E-health security spooks AusCERT

    Leading security group AusCERT has raised concerns about the safety of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) which Australians will be able to sign up for starting next year, and which is the cornerstone of the Government’s proposed e-health initiatives.

    Speaking at Kickstart 11 this week, Kathryn Kerr, AusCERT’s manager for analysis and assessments, said that to date there was not much information available about the operation of the PCEHR but she believed patients would be able to nominate who would have access to that record, providing access to the record for themselves, health professionals, family members or carers.

  • AU: Firms ignore govt security plans: Symantec

    Organisations responsible for the security and well-being of Australia's infrastructure are less aware of the government's own protection plans and less willing to cooperate with them than in previous years, according to a survey released by Symantec today.

    The Critical Infrastructure Protection Survey was conducted by Applied Research and included 150 respondents within Australia, from the total of 3457 organisations surveyed worldwide.

    It found that Australian organisations had a lower awareness of the various critical infrastructure protection (CIP) plans that the government had set up and were less engaged in them than in the past.

  • AU: Opposition urges government to take security of citizens' data seriously

    The opposition has called on the Abbott government to take the security of people's private e-health, Medicare, child support and other government records seriously after it was revealed flimsy security was used to protect a critical government website.

    Opposition human services spokesman Doug Cameron said on Monday night that Fairfax Media's report on the security of the myGov website was concerning.

  • AU: The internet is insecure – let’s build a better one, fast

    A few days ago, senior FBI official Shawn Henry called for the creation of a new and secure “alternative internet” to secure key infrastructure and financial systems.

    He assessed the process of connecting systems of national significance to the internet as a recipe for disaster, and he was right: the internet is insecure. And yet we use it today for everything from social media, shopping and banking through to education and, in the near future, eHealth.

    The last of these, edging towards becoming reality in Australia, simply should not proceed within the current system.

  • Australia: NBN pushes e-security revamp

    The Rudd government is pressing ahead with plans for a government-owned and operated national Computer Emergency Response Team, due to be operational by next June.

    A spokesman for Attorney-General Robert McClelland said transitional arrangements were under way, and capital works to accommodate the national CERT had begun.

    In the May budget, Mr McClelland allocated $6.2 million to bring together AusCERT and the government's internal capability, GovCERT, in a single entity to operate within Defence's new Cyber Security Operations Centre.

  • Australia: Queensland: Brisbane port eyes biometrics, sewer fibre

    The Port of Brisbane is eyeing a suite of biometric systems including facial and iris recognition to prevent manual checks during elevated security incidents.

    If the port were to implement Maritime Security (MARSEC) Level 2, where all vehicles entering the port are to be checked, the port — which stretches 110 kilometres and hosts some 2600 ships a year — would grind to a halt.

    This standard would become necessary during a time of heightened national security.

  • Australia: Rudd dumps AusCERT

    The nation's Computer Emergency Response Team, better known as AusCERT, has been dumped by the Rudd Government.

    AusCERT will be replaced by the federal government’s newly established CERT Australia, which will take over the critical role of frontline protection against cyber-threats.

    Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland said CERT Australia "will now be the sole supplier of national CERT services to the community and the point of contact for international CERTs".

  • Australia: Web 2.0 and the rise of cyber crime – Government report

    On 24 February 2010, the Department of Parliamentary Services released a report on the security issues posed for individuals and government agencies as a result of the growing use of online social networking technology (Report). The Report focuses on cyber crime and security policy in the context of web 2.0 (e-security policies). In particular, it identifies the range of security threats that users of web 2.0 technology are vulnerable to and the current policy approaches in Australia and overseas designed to address cyber crime.

  • Australian government shakes up cyberdefence strategy

    The Australian government has decided to stop supporting AusCERT in favour of a new computer emergency response team more focused on providing an early warning system for utilities, banks and other critical infrastructure firms.

    CERT Australia will take over from AusCERT in running frontline cyber-defence protection following the breakdown of negotiations between AusCERT and the government that lasted almost a year, The Australian reports.

  • Bahrein: Safety Net on the way

    A cyber law to protect Bahrain's web users from hackers who create viruses, steal vital information and pose a threat to the economy is on the way.

    Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) acting president Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al Khalifa told the GDN new powers to prosecute those responsible for cyber crimes were in the pipeline.

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