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Sunday, 8.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

MK: Mazedonien / Makedonia

  • Mazedonien bekommt weltgrößtes WLAN

    Der Welt größtes WLAN entsteht derzeit in Mazedonien. In einem Jahr sollen über 90 Prozent der Bevölkerung an ihrem Wohnsitz mittels WLAN online gehen und telefonieren können. Damit wäre Mazedonien nach dem kleinen Inselstaat Niue das zweite Land der Welt mit annährend flächendeckendem WLAN. Bereits jetzt sind die mazedonische Hauptstadt Skopje und ihre Umgebung versorgt, womit fast die Hälfte der 2,05 Millionen Einwohner des Landes abgedeckt werden. Auch alle 460 Schulen des Landes sind seit kurzem breitbandig online.
  • Mazedonien erhält flächendeckendes WLAN

    Strix Systems soll Hardware für schnurloses Breitband-Mesh liefern

    Das amerikanische Unternehmen Strix Systems hat aus der Republik Mazedonien den Auftrag erhalten, die Hardware zu liefern, mit der das Land flächendeckend mit einem vermaschten WLAN ausgestattet werden soll. Dabei wird unter anderem das von Strix entwickelte "Access/One Outdoor Wireless System (OWS)" eingesetzt.

  • Mazedonien geht drahtlos online

    WLAN für über 90 Prozent der Bevölkerung

    Nächstes Jahr soll in Mazedonien das weltgrößte WLAN-Netz entstehen. Über 90 Prozent der Bevölkerung werden von ihrem Wohnsitz aus online gehen können. Das berichtete der Branchendienst Heise online. Durch materielle Unterstützung der Entwicklungshilfeorganisation United States Agency for International Development (USAID)konnte der lokale Provider On.Net aus Glasfaser- und Funkverbindungen ein Backbone-Netz errichten. Alle Schulen sollen landesweit mit Breitband-Internet versorgt werden. USAID finanziert die Zugangsgebühren für zwei Jahre und die Schulung von über 6.000 Lehrern, heißt es in dem Artikel.

  • Mazedonien setzt auf Ubuntu Warty im schulischen Bereich

    Nach Informationen des GNOME-Journals hat Mazedonien 5000 Rechner in öffentlichen Schulen auf Ubuntu Linux umgestellt.

    Die Republik Mazedonien hatte letztes Jahr beschlossen, 5000 Rechner in 486 öffentlichen Schulen und 182 nationalen Computer-Labors mit dem GNOME 2.8 von Ubuntu Warty auszustatten, berichtet das GNOME Journal.

  • MK: Coutry-wide database of health services to facilitate new model of referral to specialists

    Following the launch of a pilot referral model on 1 October 2011, an online database of health institutions of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia enables doctors to check the health services offered in the establishments listed and to refer their patients to relevant specialists and hospitals.

    The introduction of a new referral model aims to reduce the workload of the University Clinical Centre of Skopje so that teachers become able to devote more time and attention to scientific and educational work, as well as to more complex health cases.

  • MK: Electronic application for healthcare specialist consultation launched

    An electronic application for healthcare specialist consultation, which will allow quick access to and exchange of information about the patient and their health condition, was officially launched in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on 22 May 2011.

    Bujar Osmani, the country's Minister of Health, attended the launch event at the Clinic for Paediatric Surgery in the capital Skopje. He said that the introduction of the solution constitutes a major step towards creating a fully electronic health system.

    Through the application, Mr Osmani explained, a specialist doctor can obtain a patient's complete medical record electronically, with all the historical data covering previous tests and referrals from the family doctor.

  • MK: Electronic system to track the status of a document using mobile technologies

    In February 2013, the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Mr Ivo Ivanovski, announced the launch of a project called the ‘Introduction of a system for tracking the status of a document through the use of mobile technologies’. Its aim is to improve efficiency and ensure greater transparency in public administration.

    The project will be implemented for those public bodies that have not yet introduced electronic systems for tracking the status of citizens’ requests. Its main objective is to create an integrated document management system for the state administration bodies to track and store documents electronically.

  • MK: eReminder project to be launched by the end of 2012

    The Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) announced the launch of a public procurement procedure for the development of a project called ‘eReminder’; its purpose is to send reminders via email or SMS to citizens regarding their administrative obligations towards public institutions. Five public institutions will be participating in the initial phase of the project.

    The Minister for Information Society and Administration, Ivo Ivanovski said during the press conference, on 16 May 2012: “This project is the next step of the Government’s and MISA’s efforts to facilitate administrative procedures and the life of citizens and state institutions.”

  • MK: Memorandum signed on the modernisation of public administration

    The Ministry of Information Society and Administration of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the United Kingdom have signed a memorandum for cooperation for the project 'Support for the process of modernisation of state administration', it was announced in February 2011.

    Ivo Ivanovski, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Minister of Information Society and Administration, said: "The cooperation will last until 31 March this year and will work on specific projects to reform public administration."

  • MK: Ministry of Information Society and Administration digitises educational materials

    All textbooks under copyright by the Ministry of Education and Science have been digitised and placed on '', a digital library for storing, searching and browsing electronic books intended for students, teachers and parents or guardians.

    The Ministry of Information Society and Administration has digitised 53 new fifth- and sixth-grade textbooks, bringing the total number of educational materials for student use to 103.

    Ivo Ivanovski, the Minister of Information Society and Administration said at a press conference on 4 November 2011 that traffic for the digital library is very high, as tracking data reveals that there were about 342 visits to the first 50 textbooks over the past school year. He announced that digitisation will continue for all copyrighted textbooks by the ministry, and only such printed copyrighted materials will be placed in electronic form.

  • MK: Mobile application for the ‘See, report, fix’ service

    On 18 June 2013, the mobile application of the ‘See, Report, Fix’ project was launched in the municipality of Aerodrom (in Skopje) in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration, Martha Arsovska Tomovska.

    The project aims on the one hand to strengthen national and local systems’ integrity by providing transparency and accountability to citizens and municipalities in order to improve the municipal services provided. On the other hand, it is an opportunity to engage citizens more actively in the work of the municipal administrations to solve problems.

  • MK: New Government project "Open e-Services" promoted

    ICT companies are given the opportunity to get involved in a new Government project, the so-called concept of open e-services, based on public-private partnership. Development of e-services offered by state institutions should enable citizens with faster access to them.

    Minister of Information Society and Public Administration Ivo Ivanovski presented Thursday the project's benefits before members of the ICT Chamber within the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce.

  • MK: Online submission of annual tax returns now available for citizens

    Since 16 February 2012 citizens have been able to submit online via the eTax website their annual tax returns to the Public Revenue Office (PRO).

    Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska-Tomovska and the Director of the PRO, Goran Trajkovski presented the new service a few days before its launch.

    Tax returns can be submitted from any place and at any time by filling in personal data and using an electronic signature obtained from one of the country's two registered issuers of digital certificates ('Makedonski Telekom' and 'KIBS'). The electronic signature costs about 900 denars (approx. €14,5) and can also be used for all other electronic services.

  • MK: Payment of administrative fees can now be made through smart phones

    A new service which enables the payment of administrative fees by mobile phone was launched in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on 5 July 2011.

    The new method of payment is quick and easy and can be used by any citizen or student for the charges made by public offices and universities for various services. It involves an application which enables leading smart phones to effect payment in just three steps.

  • MK: Public involved in finalisation of national Open Source policy

    In the course of March 2011, four public meetings were organised in cities of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the aim to promote and discuss the draft National Policy for Open Software, by involving the public in the process of finalisation of the text. At the same time, the events marked the last stage of the project for the adoption of this policy.

    The events took place in the cities of Tetovo (14 March), Štip (17 March), Skopje and Bitola (22 March) respectively.  Main presenters included representatives of the non-profit organisation promoting Open Software in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Слободен софтвер Македонија -, the Metamorphosis Foundation and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration.

  • The Government of the Republic of Macedonia and Microsoft Launch New E-Government Services

    New Offerings Reflect Government Commitment to Increasing Access and Promoting Growth Through Technology

    The government of the Republic of Macedonia and Microsoft Corp (Nasdaq: MSFT) today announced the launch of several new e-government services that will help improve access and promote online interaction among the citizens and the Macedonian government. Created under the existing Strategic Partnership Agreement, the new services include creation of a centralised and standardised information portal featuring services available for all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, a new internet portal for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Macedonia to create an online presence, and an intranet productivity portal for the government itself.

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