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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information Society and Administration of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the United Kingdom have signed a memorandum for cooperation for the project 'Support for the process of modernisation of state administration', it was announced in February 2011.

Ivo Ivanovski, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Minister of Information Society and Administration, said: "The cooperation will last until 31 March this year and will work on specific projects to reform public administration."

He added: "It is a workshop that will be held for professionals in the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, complemented by training, visits to Britain and the National School of Administration, and experts will come to Macedonia, financed by the United Kingdom, to support reforms and a strategy for public administration."

Ivanovski pointed out that the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is sincere in its commitment to reform the state and public administration.

The UK Ambassador to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia said: "This memorandum is a continuation of cooperation, because public administration reform is an important matter, and Britain has lot to offer in this field."

The training to be held in the United Kingdom will be attended by heads of departments and sectors who meet all the preconditions.

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Quelle/Source: epractice, 21.03.2011

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