Heute 137

Gestern 808

Insgesamt 39463853

Donnerstag, 4.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Honourable Stephen Owen, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, is extremely pleased with Accenture's latest report ranking Canada first among 22 countries in e-government for the fourth year in a row.

"This report underlines Canada's success in offering on-line services that best serve Canadians," said Minister Owen. "We are leading the way in e-government in terms of service breadth, service depth and customer relationship management. We are providing services in ways that cross traditional program, departmental and governmental boundaries. Canadians have told us how they want to receive their services, and the Government of Canada is delivering."


Canada has come out on top for the fourth straight year in a survey of e-government.

The comparative study, conducted annually for the past five years by the high-tech consultancy Accenture, rates the quality of service governments in 22 countries offer their citizens. In it, Canada placed first in all categories of e-government "maturity," which Accenture calls service breadth, service depth and customer relationship management.

Weiterlesen: Canada is e-government leader: Report

We may complain about our government, but Canadians have embraced e-government with a passion.

In January, 2004, about 10 million Canadians visited a government entity on-line, says comScore Media Metrix Canada, an on-line marketing firm.

Weiterlesen: Study: Canadians embrace e-government

The Honourable Stephen Owen, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, tabled the third annual report on the Government On-Line (GOL) initiative today in Parliament.

"We have made great strides in making government more accessible to Canadians," said Minister Owen. "Forty-five services are now fully on-line. The Government On-Line 2004 report highlights our achievements to date and addresses the remaining key challenges to put all 130 of the services most needed by citizens and businesses on the Internet by 2005."


With only two years left in the Canadian government's six-year e-government initiative, there are several major obstacles that must be addressed or the entire effort could become nothing more than an expensive, underused service, according to the government's auditor general.

Weiterlesen: Canada: E-gov faces obstacles, eh?

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