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Donnerstag, 4.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Canada is one of the most wired countries on Earth. Based on the percentage of the population with Internet access in their homes, Canada is fifth in the world. The United States is third, superceded only by Norway and Singapore, according to a Nua Internet Survey. Each year, the federal government of Canada invests $3 billion to $4 billion in information management and information technology (IM/IT). And like many countries, the Canadian government is vigorously pursuing a host of e-government objectives in tandem with initiatives to encourage e-commerce. Yet there are differences in the Canadian approach that are well worth noting. These differences first became apparent to Government Technology in covering the first international summit on government reinvention organized by Vice President Al Gore.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Wired for a New World

The Canadian government's Secure Channel initiative played an important role in the country's recent recognition as the number one, global electronic government by Accenture for five consecutive years. Secure Channel is a vital component of the country's Government On-line (GOL) initiative, contributing to the finding by another survey that 64 percent of Canadians felt comfortable submitting personal income tax information online.

By providing a common infrastructure to enable service integration, Secure Channel has proven to be crucial to citizen adoption and service growth of the GOL Initiative, and was part of what lead Accenture to rank the government of Canada the number-one global e-government for five years consecutively.

Weiterlesen: Canadian Government Recognized for Information Security Achievements

Ontario's shared services bureau was recently profiled in an Accenture study titled "Driving High Performance in Government: Maximizing the Value of Public sector Shared Services".

The study concludes that many government organizations are being forced to find innovative ways to deliver more services for less money - and one of the best ways to do that is to reduce the amount of duplication that has tradtionally existed in service delivery.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Ontario Saving Money by Consolidating Services

Smart meters will connect to Internet

Hamilton may soon become one of Ontario's most high-tech municipalities, offering wireless Internet access throughout the city - all a lucky byproduct of the provincial government's plans to conserve energy.

The province's initiative requires standard residential electricity meters to be replaced with new smart meters - meters that offer two-way communication and realtime monitoring and adjustability. Installation will be done progressively and is expected to take until at least 2010.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Hamilton tests citywide wireless project

Eine umfassende Strategie zur Bekämpfung von Spam, Phishing und anderen digitalen Unlauterkeiten hat die Task Force on Spam der kanadischen Bundesregierung entwickelt. Das Konzept wurde in dieser Woche dem zuständigen Industrieminister David L. Emerson überreicht. Er hatte die Gruppe im Mai 2004 mit acht Vertretern von Internet-Providern, Verbrauchern, Online-Unternehmen, Regierungsstellen sowie einem E-Rechts-Professor der University of Ottawa besetzt. Im Dezember hat die Task Force die Online-Kampagne "Stop Spam Here" gestartet.

Weiterlesen: Kanadische Vorschläge zur Spambekämpfung

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