Heute 147

Gestern 808

Insgesamt 39463863

Donnerstag, 4.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Residents of 43 northern communities in Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba can soon expect wider access to broadband service and its benefits thanks to a commitment from Canada's New Government to provide up to $20.65 million to purchase new satellite infrastructure.

The announcement was made today by the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, and Ms. Maggie Emudluk, Chairperson of the Kativik Regional Government, representing the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN). The NICSN involves a partnership among three Organizations: the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) in Quebec; the Keewatin Tribal Council (KTC) in Manitoba; and the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Council (KOTC) in Ontario.

Weiterlesen: Canada's New Government provides $20.65M for wider broadband access to 43 northern communities

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) may be the hot button of the moment in enterprise application development, but at the Ontario government, it's really nothing new.

"For us, SOA is more a re-branding of an approach we've had in play since about 1999," says Ron Huxter, chief technology officer. "We referred to it then as a common components approach."

Weiterlesen: Canada: SOA at work: Ontario's common components

The progress in electronic health delivery during the past few years puts Canada in a promising position, says a vision paper prepared by Canada Health Infoway Inc. on the future delivery of medical services.

The paper outlines what sufficient funding and government co-operation could accomplish by 2015 by employing information technology to enable more effective use of health care facilities, especially during a time when an aging population is bound to stress the system's capacity.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Infoway peers into the future

With health care lagging behind other industries in reaping the benefits of information technology (IT), the Ontario government has launched a series of e-health programs with the goal of "integrating multiple sectors of the provincial health care system into a fully modern health care system."

E-health is a "term that now seems to serve as a general buzzword to characterize not only Internet medicine; but virtually everything related to computers and medicine," according to the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Sault leads the e-health way

Better and more technology would help health-care sector improve service and cut costs: Short

If the Ontario government wants to get the biggest bang for its medical buck, it should invest in e-Health, says the head of the association representing Ontario's 156 public hospitals. Funding electronic medical health records is an investment that would bring the best yield over time, said Hilary Short.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Ontario: Hospital leader promotes e-Health

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