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Insgesamt 39465471

Samstag, 6.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Canada's electronic health record (EHR) projects increased by 12 per cent last year and have quadrupled since 2004 announced Richard Alvarez, President and CEO of Canada Health Infoway (Infoway).

"Canadians want their medical information available electronically to the clinicians who care for them," said Alvarez. "And that's starting to happen in communities across Canada. Collaboration among governments is at an all-time high and with continued federal funding, we are well on our way to providing every Canadian with an electronic health record by 2016."

Weiterlesen: Canadian electronic health record projects quadruple in four years

Federal-provincial infrastructure funding could mean expansion of service

A priority of bringing faster Internet to rural areas could benefit local townships as part of the federal and provincial governments' joint $6.2-billion funding announcement last week.

The two levels of government finally shook hands on Ontario's portion of the national Building Canada plan that will invest $33 billion in long-term funding for infrastructure across the country.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Ontario: Rural areas look for faster Internet

The expansion of rural broadband coverage in southern and eastern Ontario has been identified as a priority by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario under Building Canada, the Government of Canada's long-term infrastructure plan.

Both governments today signed a Framework Agreement worth more than $6.2 billion under Building Canada.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Rural Broadband Coverage in Southern and Eastern Ontario a Priority

More Canadian consumers, businesses, and institutions will have access to IP telephony, easier online commerce, telehealth, and to home working opportunities thanks just-announced and recent initiatives by the federal and Ontario provincial governments.

Eastern and southern Ontario rural communities will get more broadband access as part of $6.2 billion+ package of new infrastructure investments signed July 24 by the two governments. Officials will work with rural communities in those regions to identify potential projects to expand broadband coverage.

Weiterlesen: Canadian Rural Broadband to Expand

Health Services Minister George Abbott and Okanagan-Westside MLA Rick Thorpe got a first-hand demonstration today of how technology is modernizing the delivery of health care for six Rosedale family doctors who are among the first in the province to use government-approved electronic medical record systems.

"Electronic medical records are modernizing the way health care in British Columbia is being delivered," said Abbott. "We are working to make advances in technology benefit patients and help physicians - such as the doctors in Summerland - ensure that their patients are as healthy as possible."

Weiterlesen: Canada: Province of British Columbia: Summerland Doctors Get Electronic Medical Records

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