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Insgesamt 39465504

Samstag, 6.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In March 2008, the provincial government announced it is investing $30 million over the next four years to expand high-speed access to underserviced communities in rural southern Ontario. The Rural Connections Broadband Program, a joint initiative between the ministries of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Government Services, and Small Business and Consumer Services, will have a positive impact on families in Bruce County, as it will reduce broadband infrastructure gaps, enable businesses to participate in the digital economy, and improve access to public services such as e-learning, e-health and e-government.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Ontario: Broadband Bruce County helping residents connect

When the Canadian government set up the not-for-profit Canada Health Infoway to lead the development of electronic health records across the country, the provinces jumped at the chance to get involved.

The idea was to support a safer, more efficient healthcare system, one that would reduce wait times, increase patient participation in health care, better manage chronic diseases, and improve access to care in remote and rural communities. The not-for-profit, federally funded organization jointly invests with every province and territory to accelerate the development and adoption of electronic health record projects in Canada.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Remote Access Technology Furthers eHealth Initiatives

The federal government is spending $36 million to improve internet service in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Diane Ablonczy, the secretary of state for small business and tourism, made the announcement Friday morning in Yellowknife.

Ablonczy said broadband internet service is a necessity, not a frill, for the North's remote communities.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Feds pump money into northern internet service

Newfoundland and Labrador has signed a multi-jurisdictional memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Government of Canada to bring the province into the BizPaL initiative. BizPaL is a new federal–provincial/territorial–local government online business permit and licence service that saves time spent on paperwork and helps entrepreneurs start up faster.

"I am pleased to welcome Newfoundland and Labrador as the newest partner in the BizPaL initiative," said the Honourable Diane Ablonczy, federal Secretary of State (Small Business and Tourism) on behalf of the Honourable Jim Prentice, federal Minister of Industry. "Small businesses are a major engine of our economy, and this is why the government's economic plan, Advantage Canada, seeks to create an entrepreneurial environment by providing easy access to essential information, reducing paperwork costs for business and helping to provide an environment for small business to grow and succeed."

Weiterlesen: Canada: Newfoundland and Labrador Joins BizPaL

Government of Canada Supports Broadband Expansion Across Nunavut and the Northwest Territories

Fifty-six remote communities across Northwest Territories and Nunavut will soon benefit from enhanced broadband access, which will improve community sustainability in Canada's North.

The Honourable Diane Ablonczy, Secretary of State (Small Business and Tourism), on behalf of the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, along with Darrell Ohokannoak, Chairman of the Nunavut Broadband Development Corp (NBDC), and Darrell Beaulieu, President and CEO of Falcon Communications GP Ltd, today announced federal support of $36,415,295 for the expansion of broadband access across communities in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories (NWT) in Canada's North.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Northerners to Benefit From Better Internet

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