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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
When the Canadian government set up the not-for-profit Canada Health Infoway to lead the development of electronic health records across the country, the provinces jumped at the chance to get involved.

The idea was to support a safer, more efficient healthcare system, one that would reduce wait times, increase patient participation in health care, better manage chronic diseases, and improve access to care in remote and rural communities. The not-for-profit, federally funded organization jointly invests with every province and territory to accelerate the development and adoption of electronic health record projects in Canada.

According to Infoway, the goal of an electronic health record system is to tie together a patient's health information from numerous systems to provide one coherent record for an authorized healthcare provider. Whether the information flows from a doctor's office, clinic, hospital or pharmacy, it will appear in a structured format on the record. That way, anyone who has authorization to view it has a complete and accurate picture.

That's precisely the idea behind a remote access solution called Role Oriented Access Management (ROAM), a proprietary technology developed by AnyWare Group of Saint John, New Brunswick. Today, more than 60 hospitals throughout North America have implemented ROAM to deliver applications and information to users based on their role – anytime, anywhere – through a simple Internet connection and Web browser. For instance:

  • Physicians are securely accessing email, patient records and test results from remote areas for quicker diagnoses and faster treatment
  • Patients are securely accessing chronic disease education resources and liaising with hospital teams for increased patient compliance and reduced travel and clinic wait times
  • Employees are tracking their activity to foster healthy workplaces

ROAM has expanded the capabilities for today's healthcare organizations. By standardizing on a single platform, hospitals are able to share applications and patient files with other regional partners and also share capital costs for new IT systems. ROAM enables EMR and HIS integration for consistent data between the primary care physician and the regional health systems. Because information is captured electronically, physicians can input information from any location for reduced coding and data entry errors.

Last month, AnyWare Group was invited by the Canadian Consulate in Boston to showcase ROAM at the MaHIMA 6-State conference. Five other healthcare technology companies displayed their solutions, too, in an effort to foster collaboration between the two countries and, ultimately, benefit patients everywhere.

“New England is preeminent for the work being carried out in healthcare technology innovation due to the convergence of investment, research and technology resources in the region,” says Christine Carr, the consulate's Trade Commissioner for Technology in Boston . “Companies such as AnyWare Group are positively impacting Canada 's healthcare sector, and these solutions can provide models and stimulation for innovation and collaboration between U.S. and Canadian companies.”


Quelle/Source: PR-CANADA, 05.09.2008

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