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Donnerstag, 4.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
For the fifth consecutive year, Canada ranked first out of the 22 countries surveyed in customer service maturity in eGovernment, followed by the United States, Denmark, Singapore and Australia, according to the results of a study released today by Accenture (NYSE: ACN.)

The study, "Leadership in Customer Service: New Expectations, New Experiences," is Accenture's sixth annual global report on government service delivery. In a departure from previous reports, the 2005 study goes beyond measuring the extent to which governments offer services online to investigating their leadership in delivering true customer service - the value they bring to their citizens through multiple channels.

Weiterlesen: Canada leads in customer service maturity, according to Accenture study

Canada is building on its Government On-Line project by creating tools to help citizens get past bureaucratic jargon and improve communication between federal, provincial and municipal jurisdictions.

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) released the 2005 annual report for the Government On-Line (GOL) initiative late last week. It showed Web-based interactions with the government quadrupled over the last three years. GOL was launched six years ago to provide online access to the 130 most commonly used federal services.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Feds ready to add services to GOL plate

New report says that the world's top e-government will shift new resources away from electronic service delivery, and into collaborative workflow automation.

Predictions on the Canadian Government Sector in 2005, produced by IDC, suggests that e-service roll-out will be a priority for no more than a quarter of government IT project managers in 2005. This compares with it being a priority for 42 per cent of project managers in a similar survey two years ago.

Weiterlesen: Canada looks to next phase of e-government

At last Council meeting, the City launched its new on-line mapping system called “COSMOS”. This new eGovernment service is part of the City’s continuous effort to offer easy and convenient access to City information via the Internet.

“By making this information available on the website, we have lowered our delivery costs and increased its availability to everyone,” said Mayor Doug McCallum on behalf of Council. “COSMOS is a good example of how we can use technology to increase our level of service to our residents and business community.”

Weiterlesen: Canada: City of Surrey Launches COSMOS - Surrey Mapping On-Line System

TIG/IDC study shows more interest in key performance indicators

Electronic service delivery, for years the most important issue for the federal public sector, is not the priority it once was, according to a recent joint IDC/Technology In Government study of public sector IT spending in 2005, which also indicates subtle shifts in the way government sees the role of IT.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Government crafts strategies beyond e-service delivery

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