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Donnerstag, 4.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Portals shouldn't replace existing services

The success of an e-government project hinges on solving a problem rather than throwing technology at it, according to professionals working in Ontario.

There are 445 municipalities in the province and only seven per cent of them have populations over 100,000. "The municipalities are not a monolithic group with the same needs and challenges," said Craig Wellington, manager of communications and marketing, Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO).

Weiterlesen: Canada: E-gov experts emphasize problem-solving skills over IT

A provincial Crown corporation in British Columbia is using business intelligence tools to provide public sector workers with a wider range of property assessment information.

British Columbia Assessment has worked with Cognos, an Ottawa, Ont.-based provider of business intelligence and corporate management solutions, to implement Assessment LinkBC, which provides real-time access to property information via Web browsers. Assessment LinkBC, powered by the Cognos Enterprise Business Intelligence Series, allows users to analyze trends -- whether by municipality or by neighborhood -- in property types and values.

Weiterlesen: Canada: BC Assessment upgrades property information tools

The Quebec government said Monday all its public services could be accessible online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by the end of 2007.

"It's about using technology to improve services to people," said Henri-Francois Gautrin, parliamentary assistant to Liberal Premier Jean Charest. Gautrin said e-government will also help save money, estimating the province's Revenue Department will save $18 million a year because it's cheaper to process income tax reports online.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Quebec government hopes to be online and fully accessible by end of 2007

Oakville drivers are finding more ways to pay for their mistakes — in a good way.

The southwestern Ontario municipality has turned to paytickets.ca to handle parking fine payments via the Web.

The move lets the town get its feet wet in electronic service delivery without making a huge investment, says Gord Lalonde, Oakville's IT director.

Weiterlesen: Canada: Outsourced online parking tickets ease municipal payment management

Experts from York Region, Milton and Mississauga talk about building the business cases for online government projects, the importance of branding and how to involve business leads

The IT industry and public sector think citizens are clamouring for the delivery local services online, but that’s not necessarily so, local government experts told the Municipal Information Systems Association's (MISA) 2004 Forum this week.

Weiterlesen: Canada: A portal into e-city success stories

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