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Sonntag, 9.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • Streit über Online-Wahl in Estland

    Im Herbst kann bei den Lokalwahlen auch online gewählt werden. Das beschloss der Reichstag, Präsident Arnold Rüütel ist dagegen.

    Das estnische Parlament hat trotz des Widerstands von Staatspräsident Rüütel beschlossen, bei den Lokalwahlen im kommenden Herbst die Stimmabgabe per Internet zu ermöglichen.

    Für das weltweit einzigartige Projekt stimmten in dritter Lesung 52 der 101 Abgeordneten im Riigikogu [Reichstag], wie die Nachrichtenagentur BNS am Dienstag berichtete. Rüütel hatte es zuvor zwei Mal abgelehnt, das Gesetz zu unterzeichnen.

  • Streit um Stimmabgabe per Internet in Estland

    Das estnische Parlament hat trotz des Widerstands von Staatspräsident Arnold Rüütel beschlossen, bei den Lokalwahlen im kommenden Herbst die Stimmabgabe per Internet zu ermöglichen. Für das weltweit einzigartige Projekt stimmten in dritter Lesung 52 der 101 Abgeordneten im Riigikogu (Reichstag), wie die Nachrichtenagentur BNS am Dienstag berichtete. Rüütel hatte es zuvor zwei Mal abgelehnt, das Gesetz zu unterzeichnen. Nun wird er es voraussichtlich vom Verfassungsgericht in Tallinn prüfen lassen.
  • Studie warnt vor zahlreichen Manipulationsmöglichkeiten bei US-Wahlmaschinen

    Eine vom Brennan Center for Justice an der School of Law der New York University eingerichtete Experten-Arbeitsgruppe warnt vor zahlreichen Manipulationsmöglichkeiten beim Einsatz von Wahlcomputern in den USA, berichtet das Online-Magazin Telepolis. Die Task Force on Voting System Security des Brennan Centers weist in ihrer jetzt veröffentlichten Studie "The Machinery of Democracy: Protecting Elections in an Electronic World" (PDF-Datei) darauf hin, dass die drei am weitesten verbreiteten Typen von Wahlmaschinen verschiedener Hersteller – Wahlcomputer mit (Direct Voting Electronic with Voter Verified Paper Trail) und ohne (Direct Voting Electronic) zusätzlichen Papierausdruck sowie Systeme, bei denen markierte Stimmzettel optisch gescannt werden (Precinct Count Optical Scan) – insgesamt mehr als 120 Sicherheitslücken aufweisen.
  • Switzerland: Cantons count the cost of online voting

    Residents of four municipalities in canton Geneva will be able to cast their ballots online in Sunday’s nationwide votes.

    But critics of the electronic voting pilot project say that it offers no real advantages and is a waste of money.

  • Switzerland: Expatriates push for e:voting

    The Council of the Swiss Abroad has called for Swiss expatriates to be able to cast their votes electronically ? by the 2011 federal elections at the latest.

    The request was made at the spring meeting of the governing body of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) in Bern on Saturday, which focused on political participation.

  • Tanzania to go digital for 2015 elections

    Plans are underway to introduce the use of biometric electoral system in Tanzania’s 2015 general election, Tanzania’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) said on Monday.

    NEC chairman Damian Lubuva said the decision to use the digital system has been taken by the government to make the voting process more secure and boost confidence in the accuracy of the results.

  • Telangana, An Indian State to Explore the Blockchain-Based E-voting Platform

    The Telangana State Government has shown an interest in creating a blockchain-based e-voting platform to be used by local and national governments, enabling voters to cast their votes remotely and privately. In his webinar speech dubbed ‘Exploring Blockchain for Remote Voting,’ the  Principal Secretary of Information Technology  Jayesh Ranjan said that e-voting would first be attempted on a small scale and then extended to the national government. The Webinar was hosted by the Tamil Nadu E-Governance Agency and the Election Commission of India.

  • Test von E-Voting bei Lokalwahlen in Großbritannien

    Ein Misserfolg waren die E-Voting-Trials bei den englischen Lokalwahlen im Mai -- zumindest, was die erhoffte Steigerung der Wahlbeteiligung anbelangt. Diese ist in den mit zusätzlichen Stimmabgabemöglichkeiten per Internet, Telefon, Rückkanal-TV oder SMS experimentierenden Gemeinden um insgesamt weitere 1,5 Prozentpunkte gefallen; nur in drei von zehn mit E-Voting ausgestatteten Gemeinden stieg die Wahlbeteiligung an, in den anderen sieben Gemeinden fiel sie dagegen.
  • Tschechien will E-Voting bis 2014

    Abkommen unterzeichnet

    Tschechien wird noch heuer beginnen, ein System für E-Voting per Internet vorzubereiten. Das Prager Innenministerium und das Tschechische Statistikamt [CSU] haben ein entsprechendes Memorandum unterzeichnet, in dem die Zusammenarbeit beider Behörden vereinbart wurde.

    Laut Experten könnte das E-Voting" vollständig erst bei der übernächsten Parlamentswahl 2014 verwendet werden, berichteten tschechische Zeitungen am Dienstag.

  • Tsukuba city aiming to change perceptions of electronic voting in Japan

    Last year, an election for the student council at Namiki Secondary School in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, drew national media attention. Outspoken candidates? Juicy campaign scandals? Not at all. The contest was, by all accounts, a decorous and incident-free affair.

    Instead, the press found novelty in how the students voted: online, via smartphone.

    Remote electronic voting for public office is forbidden in Japan, whose election law requires voters to cast ballots on paper, in person at supervised polling stations.

  • UAE: 'Only 24 per cent of people' are aware of polls

    Some 76 per cent of UAE nationals and residents do not know or are unsure about elections in the UAE, revealed a survey conducted by an FNC election candidate.

    A survey of over 800 expatriate and Emirati residents by Rehab Lootah, the e-services Provisions Manager at Dubai e-government, revealed only 24 per cent of UAE residents are aware of the upcoming FNC elections and 44 per cent are aware of the FNC itself.

  • UAE: FNC wins best Arab Parliament award for e-voting performance

    The Federal National Council (FNC) received the best Arab Parliament award for its electronic voting system during the last elections.

    Dr Mohammad Salem Al Mazroui, Secretary General of the FNC, received the award from Dr Mohammad Ebrahim Al Twaijeri, Assistant Undersecretary of the Arab League and Chairman or the Arab Organisation for Administrative Development.

  • UK to launch Parliamentary inquiry into future e-voting

    The U.K. government will launch a Parliamentary inquiry next year into the practicalities of electronic voting. The House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee will carry out an inquiry on the first steps towards electronic voting, working with a sub-committee of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. They have requested public testimony and evidence by Jan. 14.
  • UK: Allerdale Sets Up Online Voter Registration

    Alledale people will soon be able to register their right to vote using the latest technology.

    The borough council is extending its range on online services to include electoral registration.

    This means that when it carries out its annual canvas later this month, electors will have a new way to make their return.

  • UK: Conservatives say 'Bin the e-vote'

    The Conservative Party has called for the government to drop any idea of e-voting in future elections

    Oliver Heald MP, the shadow secretary of state for constitutional affairs, issued a statement with the demand on 6 September 2005. This followed news that the government is not yet planning for another round of e-voting pilots.

    In response to a parliamentary question from Heald in late August, Harriet Harman, minister at the Department for Constitutional Affairs, said the government has now decided against inviting councils to run e-voting pilots in the May 2006 local elections.

  • UK: e-Voting boost for Government

    The 2003 local election e-voting pilots have made the UK Government more optimistic about the long term take-up of electronic public services.

    A UK Government minister has said the recent e-voting pilots have boosted the prospects of the public making more use of e-government initiatives. Christopher Leslie, minister for local e-government in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM), was speaking on 10 June 2003 at the GC2003 conference and exhibition organised by Government Computing.

  • UK: E-voting plans move ahead

    Suppliers sought for management system as part of plans to modernise elections and boost trust

    The government is looking for suppliers to pilot electoral innovations such as electronic voting, as part of plans to modernise the electoral system and improve voter turnout.

  • UK: E-Voting senkt Wahlbeteiligung weiter

    "Es funktioniert nicht" sagt Reformkommission nach elektronischen Wahlen

    Die bei den englischen Lokalwahlen 2003 durchgeführten E-Voting-Trials sind nicht erfolgreich verlaufen. Die Wahlbeteiligung ist entgegen den Erwartungen sogar gefallen, während sie in den ausschließlich herkömmlich abstimmenden Gemeinden gleich geblieben ist.

  • UK: Elections to test e-voting schemes

    New ways to vote, including Digital TV, text messaging, touch-tone telephone, internet and voting at electronic kiosks, are being piloted in English council elections.

    This year 17 e-voting pilot schemes are taking place, giving 1.4m people the opportunity to vote electronically. A further 42 local authorities are piloting all-postal elections and other innovations.

  • UK: Electoral pilots to make voting easier

    1.4 million people will be able to vote electronically in this year's local government elections. Local Government Minister Nick Raynsford said that the new technology being piloted will not only make it easier to vote but will also make the process more efficient.
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