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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Federal government agencies were unable to report any efficiency savings derived from their use of the internet because they had not evaluated services, an audit has found.

The Australian National Audit Office has concluded that agencies' methods were inadequate to assess whether their internet-delivered services and programs were efficient and effective.

Read more: Australia: Federal e-government flounders

In Hong Kong, a bus ticket can buy you a hamburger or a parking spot. Thanks to smart cards and a neat payment system, one piece of plastic, known as the Octopus card, pays for anything from phone calls to taxis.

In Australia, government agencies are moving ahead with plans that will put millions of smartcards in local wallets and purses within a few years.

Read more: Australia: Cards for all occasions

9 Millionen Dollar wird der australische Gesundheitsminister Tony Abbott in den kommenden drei Jahren für seine Online-Gesundheitsinitiative ausgeben. Die einzelnen australischen Staaten und Territorien werden weitere 9 Millionen zu dem Projekt beisteuern. Kern des Ganzen ist, dass alle Ärzte von einer Zentralbehörde im Land Zugriff auf die Krankengeschichten von Menschen haben.

Read more: Online-Gesundheitsinitiative in Australien

Communications and IT Minister David Cunliffe says he will push for a fairer deal for small Kiwi technology companies trying to sell to the Government and will "roll out the welcome mat" to overseas companies which want to carry out IT development work in the country.

The newly appointed minister has voiced a desire to prevent the "hollowing out" of the New Zealand economy, which looks set to be a theme of his stewardship of the portfolios.

Read more: Australia: Cunliffe promises industry support

Australian e-government is all about the customers, a top official said today.

In 1997, government officials in Australia decided to put their clout behind Centrelink, the country's version of e-government, to link citizens, deliver services and create the "Face of the Australian Government," said Jane Treadwell, chief information officer for Centrelink.

Read more: Australian e-gov grows

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