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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A government panel has recommended that medical records be digitized so patients can be treated at medical facilities across the nation, and that key government administrative services be available around-the-clock online.

The panel's outline for new strategies to make better use of information technology also advocates the development of a "smart grid" electricity network and greater use of IT to make homes and offices more eco-friendly.

Read more: Japan: Panel urges medical records be digitized

The collaboration of Estonia and Japan was discussed during a meeting in Toyko, mainly focused on the further development of the IT sector in both countries.

During the meeting between the Prime Minister of Estonia, Andrus Ansip and the Head of Japanese Government, Yuki Hatoyama that took place on the 15th of February, the discussion focused mainly on collaboration of public sectors for e-services with only minor mentions about other issues such as an intensification in the economic collaboration and communications.

Read more: Japan Supports Euro in Estonia

Four out of five Japanese Internet users feel are worried about their privacy and feel insecure when using the Internet, according to the results of a government survey.

The survey, published as part of the annual White Paper on Information and Communications in Japan, found Internet users in Japan are worried about multiple aspects of being online. However, the government said their worries might be out of proportion with the actual risks they face.

Read more: Japan faces crisis of confidence over Internet safety

Lately, I've had numerous opportunities to collaborate closely with the Finnish organizations. Finland's minister of transport and communications once came to visit our lab. Recently the ministry announced that broadband Internet access -- capable of transmitting high volumes of information at high speeds -- will become a legally guaranteed right in Finland.

Of paramount importance here is that the Finnish government did not merely raise broadband Internet access as a policy goal, but instead designated it "a citizens' right." Even among fundamental human rights such as the right to existence, the right to freedom, and the right to own property -- considered "natural rights," social rights guaranteed by the state to spare its citizens of deficiencies or suppression, including the right to life, the right to an education, basic labor rights, and the right to work are a relatively new notion within the realm of human rights. Because of when they emerged, they are sometimes called 20th century rights.

Read more: Japan should follow Finland's lead on adapting to Internet age

Japan plans to build by fiscal 2013 an online portal allowing citizens ''one-stop'' access to a wide range of public services, the government's IT Strategic Headquarters said Monday, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported.

The system will have an online, high-security ''post-office box'' that citizens can use to manage personal information online, such as checking the record of their payments into the public pension program and obtaining a copy of a residency certificate, it said.

Read more: Japan To Build 'one-stop' Online Public Services

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