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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Labour ministers have been accused of "colossal ineptitude" amid reports that the Government has sqandered £1.5 billion of taxpayers money on failed IT projects.

Read more: UK: Government IT failures prove Labour incompetence

The British Labour government has lost more than 1.5 billion pounds (EUR 2.21 billion) in six years in pursuit of realizing electronic government, reports the Financial Times.

Read more: UK's e-government is a waste of money

The future of the UK's eGovernment programme has been thrown into uncertainty following reports that the e-Envoy's role is to be downgraded and his Office's budget slashed by at least a quarter.

Read more: UK: E-envoy faces downgrade and budget cuts, report

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has approved plans to form a new joint venture company with incumbent telco BT that will take over the running of services and place the local authority at the forefront of e-government.

Read more: UK council approves E220m venture with BT

Data to be stored for up to 12 months

The government has scaled down its plans for collecting internet and email data and trimmed the number of agencies to be allowed access.

Read more: UK: Government outlines data retention plans

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