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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Research published for the GC2003 Conference and Exhibition shows it will be 10 years before the public sector's heavy investment in IT pays for itself

The costs of e-government is set to outweigh the financial savings it provides over the next decade, according to research from leading public sector IT analyst Kable.

Read more: UK: e-Government will cost more than it saves

The e-Envoy is due to announce a major new eGovernment venture that will create a single access point for online services, writes Ian Cuddy, of eGov monitor Weekly.

Read more: Government preps one-stop hub for e-services

Three-quarters of government departments yet to budget for FOI Act

Almost one in three government departments do not yet know the deadline for the Freedom of Information Act, even though 75 per cent are confident of hitting it.

Read more: UK: Officials ignore freedom of information

Growth in the UK public sector software and IT services (S/ITS) market will be at least 30 times faster than any growth in the commercial sector to 2005, according to a new report by Ovum Holway, the leading UK S/ITS analyst. Ovum Holway forecasts the UK public sector S/ITS market will grow by an average of 9 percent per annum between 2001 and 2005 to reach GBP 7bn in 2006. In contrast, the UK commercial sector is expected to grow by an average of just 0.3% in the same period.

Read more: UK: Ovum Holway expects UK Government IT market to reach GBP 7bn by 2006

We all know that the e-transformation of government is vital if politicians are to (re-)establish credibility with anyone born after 1970 (and most of us born before 1960!). But, we equally know that the e-generation does not just want any old e-government, it wants services that live up to the latest developments in pervasive digital media events (PDMEs) - such as Big Brother. What can the e-government sherpas who are scaling this organisational Everest learn from the PDME kings and queens at Endemol, Granada and the BBC?

Read more: Big Brother's message to the government

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