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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government recently announced its vision that e-learning should become a standard feature of learning and teaching for all ages, from school children to pensioners, throughout the education system, in the workplace and beyond.

Backed by the Government and as the world's largest supported e-learning network, Ufi/learndirect is already central to the delivery of such plans, which aim to get best value from e-learning through a joined-up approach and greater collaboration across government and learning providers.

Read more: UK: e-learning vision promises broad scope

A study by Datamonitor shows that UK local authorities are not confident that 100 percent of services will be e-enabled by the government's deadline of 2005.

Read more: UK will miss e-gov deadlines: report

A new report just published by independent market analysts Datamonitor (DTM.L) finds that a significant number of local authorities are not confident they will meet the government's 2005 targets for 100% e-enablement of local services. The report "Technology Opportunities in the UK Public Sector," investigated current issues and opportunities for enterprise communications and managed services solutions in the top four short-term target sectors in the UK. The research focused on Healthcare, Education the Police and Local government. In the case of local authorities, the survey reveals that 36% local authorities do not believe they will be able to fully meet the implementation of electronic government (IEG) requirements by 2005.


The government's self-imposed e-deadline of 2005 is looking unachievable for many local authorities, according to a new report.

Read more: UK: E-government deadline unachievable says report

A significant number of local authorities are not confident they will meet the government's 2005 targets for 100 per cent e-enablement of local services, according to independent market analysts Datamonitor.

Read more: UK: E-government projects falling behind, report

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