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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has approved plans to form a new joint venture company with incumbent telco BT that will take over the running of services and place the local authority at the forefront of e-government. Both parties are now in detailed negotiations to finalise the agreement which could see the new venture known as RBT - or Rotherham Brought Together - ready to start as early as next month. Over the next 12 years BT will invest E44m (£30m) in the partnership, which is expected to generate E73m (£50m) of efficiency savings for Rotherham based on a projected turnover of E220m (£150m) over this period.

Services provided by the new company will include managing all ICT functions, procurement, revenue and benefits, human resource administration and payroll.

The joint venture will also see Rotherham implementing significant upgrades to services, including further development of a contact centre offering residents 'one-stop' access to the Council through mobile phone, digital television or the internet.

Council Leader Mark Edgell commented that the RBT venture would bring about major new investment that would not otherwise be possible. "It's an important step forward and we are very excited about the future," he said.

The move is unprecedented for a borough council, and marks the second such partnership that BT has entered into, following a similar venture with Liverpool City Council announced last July.

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Quelle: europemedia

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