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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Constituents in Swindon will be able to cast their votes in the upcoming local elections via their TV screen, thanks to a new e-government pilot project. Cheltenham-based digital TV company MultiMedia Television (MMTV) is creating the voting system for Swindon Borough Council in partnership with the Athena Consortium in readiness for the elections which take place in Mat.

It is hoped that the scheme will begin to reverse trends in voter apathy and target the 18-30 year old audience least likely to vote. Angus Drever, CEO of MMTV, told the BBC: "Reversing the gradual decline in voter turn-out at general and local elections is vital for the health of the UK democratic process.”

Swindon Borough Council has already used voting via telephone and the internet in elections that ran last year, which resulted in a 3.6 per cent higher turn out. According to the BBC, eligible voters will be given a PIN number and the chance to take part in an e-voting pilot scheme via interactive digital television, the internet, telephone and special kiosks.

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Quelle: europemedia

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