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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Over two-thirds of Swiss people believe all citizens should be able to vote online, a national survey has revealed.

A government study, published on Tuesday, revealed that demand for electronic governance services was far greater than what was on offer.

E-voting, for example, is only used by 2% of Swiss voters at present, yet 68% believe it should be open to all. Meanwhile, 12% say it should only be available to voters with disabilities and those living abroad.

Read more: Study reveals huge demand for e-voting in Switzerland

On 6 September 2018 the Federal Council announced (in German, French, Italian and English) that it had adopted a new Digital Switzerland strategy for the next two years. The new strategy replaces the 2016 Digital Switzerland strategy and, like its predecessor, aims to prioritise the government's efforts in the digital realm.

Under the new strategy, the Federal Council places a stronger focus on initiatives relating to artificial intelligence and smart cities, smart villages and smart regions. Digitalisation within the administration will also take a central role. The strategy addresses additional topics, ranging from digitalisation in the transport and energy sectors to e-government and cyber risks.

Read more: Federal Council publishes new Digital Switzerland strategy

Die Rollenteilung zwischen Staat und Privaten behält der Bundesrat in seiner Botschaft zum Gesetz über die elektronischen Identifizierungsdienste. Dafür stärkt er den Datenschutz und die Rolle des Bundes.

Mehr Sicherheit und mehr Benutzerfreundlichkeit soll die elektronische Identität bringen, so die Hoffnung des Bundesrats. Die Nutzer einer solchen E-ID sollen bei Online-Shopping oder E-Government-Angeboten belegen können, dass sie eine bestimmte Person sind – und das mit einem einzigen Log-in.

Read more: CH: Die E-ID soll das digitale Leben vereinfachen – der Bundesrat legt die Details vor

The Swiss IT Conference has founded the company e-Operations Switzerland in Bern, which will assist the Confederation and the cantons in promoting digitisation of the administration. The strategic project is intended to create the conditions for an organisation jointly supported by the Confederation, the cantons and the municipalities, which will in future offer services for the implementation of IT cooperation in the administration.

e-Operations shall provide services in the areas of ​​marketing and needs evaluation, partner and project management as well as provider management and performance controls. However, the company does not consider itself an IT solution provider and does not operate its own data centres.

Read more: Swiss governments form e-Operations to facilitate digital transformation

Swiss canton Schaffhausen has presented a pilot version of the eID+ service during the e-Government Days, reported Inside-IT. The eID product was developed by the start-up Procivis with the participation of the software producer Queo Swiss from Solothurn.

The system can be adjusted and integrated with similar platforms in future, such as the planned SwissID. Procivis communicates with various eID providers.

Read more: Swiss canton Schaffhausen presents eID+ pilot

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