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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A top EU commissioner has been banging on about the importance of eGovernment.

Read more: EU bigwig bangs on about eGovt

Using information and communication technologies (ICT) can help deliver better government, said EU Commissioner for Enterprise and the Information Society Erkki Liikanen, on 21 March.

Read more: EU: eGovernment enables open and inclusive productive public sector, says Liikan

Der Umbau öffentlicher Dienste auf eine Onlineschiene kostet zuerst einmal Geld...

Read more: EU: Suche nach Geld für Online-Amtsschimmel

Over 200 high-level representatives from the EU governments and candidate states, as well as neighbouring countries, have signed up to a high-level manifesto statement setting out the goals for the future development of library services across Europe. The document was issued at a policy conference held in Portugal on 13-14 March by Pulman, a European Commission-funded network of excellence, which promotes international co-operation in developing digital services for public libraries and cultural organisations operating at local and regional level.

Read more: New European action plan for libraries

Information für Konsumenten in allen elf Amtssprachen

Der für Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz zuständige EU-Kommissar David Byrne hat heute, Freitag, eine neue Verbraucher-Website ins Netz gestellt. Die Website für Verbraucherfragen ist in allen elf Amtssprachen der EU verfügbar. Der Starttermin wurde gezielt gewählt: Am 15. März wird alljährlich der Weltverbrauchertag begangen.

Read more: EU stellt neue Verbraucher-Website ins Netz

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