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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Ministry of Information Society and Administration of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the United Kingdom have signed a memorandum for cooperation for the project 'Support for the process of modernisation of state administration', it was announced in February 2011.

Ivo Ivanovski, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Minister of Information Society and Administration, said: "The cooperation will last until 31 March this year and will work on specific projects to reform public administration."

Read more: MK: Memorandum signed on the modernisation of public administration

The Ministry of Information Society of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is prepared to take responsibility for Public Administration.

On 5 November 2010, Minister for Information Society Ivo Ivanovski said this move is in accordance with the recommendations of the European Union.

Read more: Macedonia: Information Society Ministry to assume responsibility for Public Administration

The Ministry of Information Society of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and an IT provider signed on 21 January 2010 an agreement in view of the connection of the state institutions' registries and databases to an interoperable system. This will speed up and enhance the efficiency of the exchange of data between government institutions and bodies.

During its pilot phase, the project will be implemented in five state institutions, namely: the Customs Administration, the Ministry of Interior, the Central Registry, the Tax Administration and the Cadastral Administration.

Read more: Macedonia: Enabling faster and more efficient data exchange between state institutions

About twelve primary care practices together with a number of pharmacies and hospitals will take part in a pilot project for the implementation of the electronic health cards (EZK) and the Integrated Health Information System (ISIS) in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The pilot will run for three months. During this time period the cards will be only used at the participating practices, hospitals and pharmacies.

Read more: Macedonia: Electronic health card introduction - Pilot project started

By June 2010 three private operators will install 680 Internet kiosks with wireless Internet access for the citizens of the rural areas across the country.

On 25 January 2010, a contract was signed between the Minister for Information Society, Mr. Ivo Ivanovski and the representatives of the private companies who won the electronic public bidding on the basis of the lowest price offered.

Read more: Macedonia: Internet kiosks with wireless access in rural areas

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