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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In the new era leaders (countries, regions, companies and individuals) will be the ones that will promptly reach correct decisions based in the profound understanding of the complex trends of information and communication technologies. Those who will not do that are risking staying on the margins of the world development.

Republic of Macedonia must develop towards information society provided it wants to keep the pace with the developed countries. In order to achieve this, there must be a partnership between Government, civil and business sector.

Read more: Macedonia: National Strategy for Development of Electronic Communications & Information Technologies

On the behalf of the US Government, USAID will sign a Cooperation Memorandum with ten Macedonian Municipalities relating use of new software as part of the USAID's E-Government Project.

Introduction of the new software aims to facilitate municipalities' activities, particularly in terms of better transparency and accountability to the citizens, says an official announcement.

Read more: Macedonia: USAID to sign Cooperation Memorandum with 10 Municipalities

Macedonian Government marked its hundred session with promotion of the e-Government concept. Prime Minister Buchkovski hopes that the new system of electronic preparation and performance of the sessions will provide greater efficiency, savings and transparency. Government believes that the session expenses will be decreased, while the decisions will be available to the public.

Read more: Macedonian Government Promoted First e-Government Session

Macedonia's progress in using information technology (IT) to improve efficiency and transparency in government was emphasized in a new exhibition of IT solutions organized by the USAID-funded e-Gov Project, which is implemented by Internews Network. The exhibition, entitled "e-Gov for a Modern Macedonia," was organized in partnership with Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft.

Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski and Paul D. Wohlers, Chargé d' Affaires at the US Embassy, officially opened the event in the historic Daut Pasha Hamam (an ancient Turkish bath, now an art gallery).

Read more: Macedonia: e-Gov Project Promotes IT Solutions That Save Time, Money and Increase Transparency

The city of Gevgelija hosts Thursday a regular session of the Government, which, as Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski said, bring the Government closer to citizens and promotes the e-Government project.

"By supporting the power decentralization process and holding government sessions in various municipalities, we bring the Government closer to citizens and enable municipalities a direct contact with cabinet ministers in terms of assisting their work an development. By this move we are actually writing the new Macedonia's history. The first e-Government portal, which is to be opened in five days, we may respond to each question of citizens in cooperation with our strategic partner Microsoft," Buckovski told journalists before the session.

Read more: Macedonia: Government closer to citizens

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