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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

At first look, the torching of a number of land or sub-registrars' offices across the country appears more likely to be linked to the countrywide arson and bomb attacks on roads and highways. But appearances can be deceptive. If the land documents can be destroyed, interested quarters, having their obnoxious interests crossing the apparent political divide, can lay claim on contentious lands and undisputed lands can be made contentious. Already, the country's courts are overburdened with land litigations which outnumber any other type of court cases. Now fresh claims and counter claims over lands will exacerbate the situation. Not a good prospect when the express intention of the administration is to resolve land disputes as early as possible and bring down the number to the minimum possible!

Read more: BD: Digitised land registration

A dynamic, sustainable, influential and truly representative government can deliver good governance for its citizens. Improving governance in a country is not a matter of choice - it is a necessity for sustainable development. It is the foundation upon which a country's future is built. This is also true for governments, companies, trade unions, and employers' organisations at the same time. Having sound governance indicates that a country has the necessary institutions and tools to ensure credibility, integrity and authority in forming rules, making decisions, and developing programmes and policies suiting to its needs.

Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It's not about making 'correct' decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions. Good decision-making processes and, therefore, good governance, share several characteristics. They have a positive effect on various aspects of local government including consultation policies and practices, meeting procedures, service-quality protocols, conduct of councillors and officers, role clarification and good working relationship.

Read more: BD: Good governance for development

Information and communication technology (ICT) can help reach medical services to the door steps of common people in the country, experts said at a meeting Wednesday.

EATL (Ethics Advance Technology Limited), a local ICT services and solutions providing firm, and HASAB, a platform of International HIV/AIDS Alliance, United Kingdom, jointly organised the event, a statement said.

Read more: BD: Role of ICT in offering medicare to masses stressed

The government has launched a programme to develop 500 mobile applications to ensure people's access to information and services.

State Minister for ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak told a seminar on "National Mobile Application trainer and information application development programme" in the auditorium of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) in the capital on Saturday.

Read more: BD: Palak: 500 mobile apps to be developed

Leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) for Growth, Employment and Governance Project, implementation of which is now on track, would create 30,000 direct jobs in country's IT and ITES sectors.

The government of Bangladesh with financial assistance of World Bank (WB) is implementing the project, which has also potential to create up to another 30,000 jobs.

Read more: BD: Leveraging ICT project to create 30,000 direct jobs

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