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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Minister of Communications, Mr Haruna lddrisu, has stated that with the regulatory and legal framework properly set, the focus of the ministry this year would be to ensure the use of e-appli­cations to enhance all facets of business transactions in the country.

He mentioned, for instance, the use of e-­forms which will enhance businesses as Ghanaians would have the opportunity to eas­ily apply for passports, driver’s licenses, undertake their births and death registration and company registration, among many others, via the internet.

The Communications Minister said this to the Daily Graphic in response to how the ministry was going to help in making the year an “Action Year,” as declared by the President.

Read more: GH: Moves to enhance business transactions through ICT

About 150 officials from Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Registrar-General's Department (RGD) have undergone a week's Information Technology training programme.

This was to equip them with requisite skills to effectively utilise electronic systems being deployed under the e-Governance Project.

So far about 842 officials from the two institutions have been trained in Basic, Intermediate and Advance IT skills under the project.

Read more: Officials of Ghana Revenue Authority and Registrar-General's Department undergo IT Training

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) centres for all colleges of education have been inaugurated throughout the country.

The projects, provided under the National School Connectivity Project cost $45,000 for each college. They were funded by the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) and are equipped with computers, a projector, an Uninterrupted Power System (UPS), printers, scanners and connected to the Internet.

The facilities are aimed at making all teacher-trainees ICT proficient to support ICT education which is now an examinable subject in all basic schools.

Read more: Ghana: National School ICT Connectivity Project Inaugurated

All Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) are expected to have functional websites to publish information, interact with citizens and conduct business transactions online, the National Information Technology Agency (NITA), said on Thursday. NITA said all MDAs should form Website Review Committees to manage and monitor the appropriateness of their website content and deal with website security-related issues.

The statement said these committees would be the first point of call for all breaches of their respective websites. NITA, an agency under the Ministry of Communications, responsible for all ICT implementations, standards and quality of service, said the directive made on November 30 at a meeting with representatives from selected MDAs to discuss the responsibilities of the committees, was part of the implementation of its e-government initiative. "While this is important, agencies have been cautioned against inappropriate acts on their websites such as copyright breaches, unauthorised use of images and personal information exposure." It said the website review committees were expected to ensure that these issues were prevented with accurate and up-to-date content before approving them for publication. NITA asked MDAs to ensure that the design, structure and content of their websites were based on stakeholder/citizen research while their web services were easy to find and use.

Read more: Ghana: Ministries, Departments and Agencies asked to operate functional websites

Mr Eric Akumiah, General Manager of Africa Top-Level Domains (AfTLD), an ICT organization, has underscored the need for Ghana to vest the management of her Country Code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) in an independent state institution.

He said the current situation where the ccTLD was being managed by a private company was not good enough to ensure efficiency in domain name registration in the country.

Mr Akumiah told the Ghana News Agency in an interview after presenting a paper at a forum organised by the Ghana chapter of Internet Society (ISOC) in Accra that ccTLD was very sensitive and represented a national resource, which must be protected.

Read more: Ghana: ccTLD must be managed by state institution - Akumiah

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