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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The ministry of foreign Affairs will soon begin to issue electronic passports and visa to replace the manual system currently in operation, the sector Minister Akwasi Osei Adjei has said.

The move is to reduce paperwork and fraudulent deals associated with the issuance of those documents.

Mr Adjei announced this at the handing over ceremony of the E-Consul and E- Administration project by the Korean government to the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Accra yesterday.

Read more: Ghana: Ministry To Introduce Electronic Passports

The Business Development Manager of the Advanced Information Technology Institute, at the Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence (AITI-KACE), Fred Amankwah-Sarfo, has appealed to the Government and other institutions in the country, to adopt the use of 'Open Source' software innovation for maximum benefits, including cost reduction.

The 'Open Source' software, which is non-proprietary, has a source code that is transparent, and allows rights to users, which would otherwise be prohibited by copyright. Because of its transparency, bugs or security flaws could be quickly discovered, and patched.

Read more: Ghana: Expert appeals for `Open Source` software usage

Government responsiveness to public and private needs is gradually becoming a reality in Ghana with the launch of two IT infrastructure software projects.

The Ghana Information and Communication Technology Directorate (GICTeD) launched the Enterprise Architecture (EA) and the E-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) projects to facilitate the exchange of data between government agencies, public institutions and other relevant sectors to improve public sector service delivery.

Read more: Ghana launches IT infrastructure software projects

Dr. Sam Somuah, Director-General of Ghana Information Communications Technology Directorate (GICTED), on Saturday called for the use of software to modify the structures of the economy in order to reduce government expenditure.

“Using software and Information Communication Technology (ICT) would facilitate the exchange and sharing of information by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and reduce the cost of running government.

Read more: Ghana: Use software to modify economic structures - Dr. Somuah

Two Information Technology infrastructure to facilitate coordination and exchange of data with government, public institutions and other sectors was launched in Accra yesterday to improve public sector service delivery.

Government through the Ghana Information and Communication Technology Directorate (GICTeD) is developing the infrastructure with a United Kingdom-based company, Lennox and Netwise, as part of the e-Governance Project.

Read more: Ghana: IT Infrastructure Launched To Improve Public Sector Service Delivery

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