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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In this new knowledge-based society, access to information and knowledge have become essential resources for development.

As a continent, our future and survival depends upon our willingness to harness the new information and communication technologies. A nation unable to join this new economic order, unable to harness the power of ICT, is effectively locked out of the new global economy, and forced to remain a marginal player on the world economic stage.

Read more: Ghana: Role Of Community Information Centres In Accelerating Development

The first phase of the national optic fibre communication backbone project to reduce the cost of communication and other related services in the country has been completed.

The first phase, which is dubbed the Southern Loop with an extension to Tamale, is currently on trial.

The Deputy Minister of Communication, Mr Frederick Opare-Ansah, who made this known in Accra, said the completion of the first phase would pave the way for ICT programmes to be undertaken nationwide and thereby bridge the digital divide between the rural and urban areas.

Read more: Ghana’s communication backbone completed

Ghana is to put into operation a new electronic governance programme, which is being assisted by the Italian government to improve upon information flow leading to the creation of a national data centre in public administration.

The Public Sector Reforms Minister, Mr Samuel Owusu-Agyei, , under whose ministry the e-governance is being spearheaded, has observed that, a proposal to set up a bilateral working group to work on the blue print for the pilot phase had been agreed upon by both countries.

Read more: Ghana: Country to Put Into Operation E-Governance Project

The Registrar-General's Department yesterday began electronic (online) registration of businesses with the commissioning of an automated front desk office aimed at reducing delays and also stamping out corrupt practices.

This means that registration of businesses in Ghana would be fast-tracked and streamlined within a maximum of five days, compared with the 14 days stipulated by the World Bank.

Read more: Ghana: Registrar-General Introduces Business Registration Online

Italy is to assist Ghana implement its electronic governance programme to improve upon information flow leading to the creation of a national data centre in public administration.

Mr Samuel Owusu-Agyei, Public Sector Reforms Minister, under whose ministry the e-governance is being spearheaded, said yesterday a proposal to set up a bilateral working group to work on the blue print for the pilot phase had been agreed upon by both countries.

Read more: Italy To Assist Ghana Implement E-Governance Project

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